
BEST Recap 2020 and some changes for 2021

18 dec 2020 5 min gelezen
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Buy BEST without any trading premiums for the rest of December

To celebrate the success of BEST and to thank our amazing community, we have decided to give you the BEST Christmas present: starting immediately, you can buy BEST on Bitpanda (not Bitpanda Pro) without any trading premiums. This promotion will last until the 31st of December, 2020 (23:59 CET).

Some BEST-related changes for 2021

Starting from the 1st of January, 2021, we will reduce the BEST fee collection discount from 25% to 20% and will increase the BEST minimum value for the BEST fee collection feature from €0.12 to €0.132. However, please know that if the BEST price is above €0.132, the respective market price will count when you use BEST for paying trading premiums on Bitpanda and Bitpanda Pro. In addition to this, we are constantly seeking out new benefits and incentives for our BEST holders, as well as new ways to incorporate BEST into our products. So stay tuned for more exciting news coming in 2021!

Some highlights from 2020

We’re happy to recap all the biggest highlights of 2020 for you. Let’s start at the beginning of the year with our very first BEST token burn which took place on the 30th of January, 2020. Regular BEST token burns are part of the overall strategy for BEST. All the tokens that are destroyed were collected from users paying trading premiums on Bitpanda and Bitpanda Pro. The goal for a decrease in supply is to have fewer tokens in circulation. BEST token burns will continue until 50% of the total tokens are destroyed. Below, you can find a summary of the past four BEST burns.

In March 2020, we introduced yet another benefit for BEST VIP holders: coin votes. We’re happy to let you know that since then, we have already held four coin votes where we let our BEST holders decide which cryptocurrencies they wish to see be integrated next on Bitpanda.

In March, we also introduced the amazing BEST Rewards loyalty programme. If you’re not familiar with this feature yet, it allows you to collect more than 12% in additional BEST every year. Since the programme’s launch on the 31st of March, 2020, we have paid out 16,778,150 BEST, which is equivalent to €2,501,622 with today’s BEST price. The amount of users who are profiting from this programme is increasing each month and in November, it reached an all-time-high with more than 32,000 users claiming their BEST.

With 'BEST Rewards' we have just launched the most attractive loyalty program in the crypto space! https://t.co/KkBfz0E1zN

— Eric Demuth (@eric_demuth) March 31, 2020

Since it was highly requested, in September we organised a BEST trading competition on Bitpanda Pro: the “Simply the BEST” trading competition, where we gave out more than €18,000 worth of BEST. Moreover, there is another BEST trading competition running right now where we will pick six winners and each will win 10,000 BEST! Find out more here.

The Simply the BEST competition is over and we bet you want to know who is officially simply the BEST trader 🎉🎉🎉

You can find the complete list of the winners here: https://t.co/AlnxuBOTYf

All winners will be also notified by email on Wednesday the 7th of October. pic.twitter.com/UgpKAcfqrT

— Bitpanda Pro (@BitpandaPro) October 5, 2020

While we’re already on this topic, the end of the year has brought us another highlight for BEST. A new all-time-high of the BEST price was reached on the 11th of December, 2020, when BEST was valued at €0.1610. We’re hoping that 2021 will bring us a new all-time-high for not only the price, but also the number of BEST holders and users who are actively using BEST to pay their trading fees on Bitpanda and Bitpanda Pro and who are claiming their BEST Rewards.

After the payout of our latest BEST Rewards, we are very happy to let you know that the $BEST price increased again and today hit an ATH of over €0.13! 🚀🚀🚀

Who here is a BEST holder? ✋ pic.twitter.com/ldwP8sxWUq

— Bitpanda (@bitpanda) December 9, 2020

Are you inspired and ready to buy some BEST?

You can buy BEST on Bitpanda or Bitpanda Pro.

You can also swap any supported cryptocurrency, stablecoin and even digitised gold, silver, palladium and platinum to BEST. Happy trading!

Please note that we will stick to our policy to not report the exact amount of BEST collected for competition reasons.

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