
Announcing Ink: The new DeFi destination

24 okt 2024 4 min gelezen
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Being onchain can feel complex and daunting. As a single, integrated ecosystem, Ink simplifies user engagement with top-tier DeFi applications (dApps), protocols and communities. All with one goal in mind: Making it easier for people to access exciting new opportunities onchain.

Built on Optimism’s open source, MIT-licensed OP Stack codebase, Ink joins the broader Ethereum ecosystem. In addition to benefiting from the security of Ethereum – the world’s largest blockchain platform – Ink will become part of the Superchain. This unified network of blockchains shares security, governance and values, employing a common standard codebase to help scale Ethereum.

Why Ink stands out

Ink is the only blockchain backed by a major Western exchange that is focused on building the best DeFi experience. Our goal is to create a capital-efficient ecosystem where innovation thrives, community is prioritized, and the benefits are enjoyed by all. Here’s how we’re going to do it:

  • Enabling access to DeFi from a trusted OG: While Kraken has already helped millions of people discover and participate in crypto, many of crypto’s most exciting opportunities exist onchain, in the world of DeFi. Ink seeks to introduce DeFi to users in a way that improves the experience for everyone.

  • Providing everything users need, from onramp to onchain: We’re giving users a complete solution, enabling them to move between crypto’s centralized and decentralized worlds. We’re reducing or eliminating points of friction that have historically made this process challenging.

  • Establishing a fresh, user-centric experience: Leveraging aggregation, automation and abstraction, Ink’s user experience makes getting onchain as simple and easy as possible.

  • Embracing interoperability and innovation: Built on the OP Stack, Ink inherits the security of Ethereum while contributing to the Superchain’s unified network of L2 solutions. The Superchain improves the performance of the Ethereum ecosystem, expanding the capabilities of protocols and dApps.

Developers: Write your code with Ink

DeFi’s next chapter will be written with Ink. Inspired by Kraken’s decade of crypto expertise, Ink is the bridge between users and the place where visionary builders turn code into financial revolutions.

Our commitment to builders: Ink will provide you with a world class development environment, complete with the tools, support and users you need to bring your ideas to life.

Why build on Ink?

  • Comprehensive support: Beyond access to a rich library of documentation, tutorials and code samples designed to accelerate the development process, builders will have access to expert guidance, hands-on workshops, special events, robust technical support, private community channels and opportunities for  financial support and tailored onboarding to help bring their ideas to life.

  • DeFi focus: Ink is all-in on DeFi. We want to support your efforts to build products that help users access exciting new opportunities onchain. When you build on Ink, you are plugging into an ecosystem of other DeFi-focused builders, a place to leverage the communities and composability that bring DeFi to life.

  • Enhanced visibility: Ink wants to help its builders show their products to the world.

Get started now with Ink!

What you can do right now:

The Ink testnet is launching soon, but here are the five steps you can take to get started with Ink right now:

  1. Mint a commemorative NFT: Partnering with Optimism, we’ve released a limited-edition NFT to thank early supporters.

  2. RSVP for Ink DevJam: Bangkok at DevCon7: Join us in Bangkok for a day of learning, networking and exclusive Ink merch. Space is limited!

  3. Developers: Join our Discord to collaborate with a growing builder community.

  4. Users: Join our Telegram for the latest updates.

  5. Everyone: Follow us on X @inkonchain and visit inkonchain.com!

The future of finance is being written right now. We invite you to Ink it with us! Stay tuned for more updates. We’ve got a lot planned!

Explore Ink

The post appeared first on Kraken Blog.

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