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Bitcoin – Ethereum SMT Divergence. One is Stronger, one is Weaker
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Bitcoin – Ethereum SMT Divergence. One is Stronger, one is Weaker

The smart money tool (SMT) divergence is used by traders to determine if the trend is getting stronger or weaker, which may lead to a shift in the market sentiment. If we compare Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), we can notice that one is stronger and the other one is weaker.


Here is How Bitcoin Dominance Ratio Can Make You a Smarter Crypto Trader
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Here is How Bitcoin Dominance Ratio Can Make You a Smarter Crypto Trader

Crypto Staking: How to Pick the Best Staking Coins for Passive Income
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Crypto Staking: How to Pick the Best Staking Coins for Passive Income

NFT Trends to Dominate in 2022
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NFT Trends to Dominate in 2022

Here is How Axie Infinity Can Reach $100 Again
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Here is How Axie Infinity Can Reach $100 Again

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The smart money tool (SMT) divergence is used by traders to determine if the trend is getting stronger or weaker, which may lead to a shift in the [market sentiment](…

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You Need to See This Ethereum Crocked Inverted Head & Shoulder Patten

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Since Blockchain’s first widespread application with the inception of Bitcoin, the technology's selling point is based on the promise of security, efficiency, and democracy. Blockchain networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum have …

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