Cryptohopper blog

Bitcoin’s Rising Bullish Channel Caps Downside at $20,000
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Bitcoin’s Rising Bullish Channel Caps Downside at $20,000

The broad technical picture depicts Bitcoin (BTC) as trading within a rising bullish channel that supports the chances of continuing to move to the upside. Additionally, since June 18 low, Bitcoin has a cyclicity in that the price action is operating an important 12-day cycle, which calls mid-August to be another intermediate bottom.


How to Trade the V-Shaped Bottom?
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How to Trade the V-Shaped Bottom?

Six Factors to Consider While Investing in a Crypto Bear Market
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Six Factors to Consider While Investing in a Crypto Bear Market

Crypto trading 101: What are Moving Averages (MA)
#trading risk#Exponential Moving Average#Kaufman’s Adaptive Moving Average+2 meer tags

Crypto trading 101: What are Moving Averages (MA)

Shiba Inu Inverse Head and Shoulder Pattern Calls for a Rally
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Shiba Inu Inverse Head and Shoulder Pattern Calls for a Rally

Filter op onderwerp Alpha Navigator Quest for the month August
#Bitcoin#Cryptocurrency#Official partnership+2 meer tags Alpha Navigator Quest for the month August

The broad technical picture depicts Bitcoin (BTC) as trading within a rising bullish channel that supports the chances of continuing to move to the upside. Additionally, since June 18 low, Bitcoin has a cyclicity in that the …

5 aug 2022 5 min gelezen
Filecoin Logarithmic Channel Caps Gain at $11
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Filecoin Logarithmic Channel Caps Gain at $11

5 aug 2022 2 min gelezen
How to take advantage of Crypto Psychological Numbers and how to use them
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How to take advantage of Crypto Psychological Numbers and how to use them

4 aug 2022 3 min gelezen
Decentralized Science (DeSci) Movement: A New Web3 Revolution
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Decentralized Science (DeSci) Movement: A New Web3 Revolution

3 aug 2022 5 min gelezen
Ethereum’s Rally Could Gain Pace If It Clears this RSI Trendline
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Ethereum’s Rally Could Gain Pace If It Clears this RSI Trendline

1 aug 2022 2 min gelezen
Trust Wallet Token Multi-Year Triangle Pattern Calls for $1.4 Target
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Trust Wallet Token Multi-Year Triangle Pattern Calls for $1.4 Target

in this month's latest issue of Alpha Navigator, our institutional-focused report for the month of August by our official partner

29 jul 2022 3 min gelezen
When will Bitcoin See a New All-Time High? And when can we see an end to the Bear Market?
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When will Bitcoin See a New All-Time High? And when can we see an end to the Bear Market?

28 jul 2022 3 min gelezen
How to Survive During a Crypto Winter
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How to Survive During a Crypto Winter

27 jul 2022 4 min gelezen Alpha Navigator Quest for the month July
#cryptohopper#trading platform#Technical analysis+2 meer tags Alpha Navigator Quest for the month July

26 jul 2022 5 min gelezen
Decentraland Elliot Wave Cycle Has an Unfinished 3-Wave Pullback
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Decentraland Elliot Wave Cycle Has an Unfinished 3-Wave Pullback

25 jul 2022 3 min gelezen

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