Curve DAO Token Prints Double RSI Bullish Divergence
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Curve DAO Token Prints Double RSI Bullish Divergence

Curve DAO Token (CRV) appears to form a double RSI bullish divergence on the daily chart. The bullish divergence is a sign that the bearish momentum is fading off, clearing the way for possible reversal.

RSI Bullish Divergence

CRV's daily Relative Strength Index (RSI) is showing a strong bullish divergence against the short-term price and the long-term price action.

In the short term, if we look at the technical picture, it's clear that while the price made lower lows, the RSI made a higher low which led to the formation of a bullish divergence.

The technical picture becomes more interesting if we compare the current swing low of $0.40 and the mid-June low with the equivalent lows in the RSI reading there is again a strong bullish divergence. CRV's price again made a lower low, but the RSI did not as it held above the mid-June RSI reading.

These two signals aligning together increase the probability of a reversal. The cryptocurrency may be in the process of putting a potential bottom in place or at least put a pause on the downtrend.

Looking forward: The first resistance level comes around the $0.85 level but only a daily break and close above the $1.00 significant psychological level can mark a more considerable shift in the market sentiment.

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