Cryptohopper Introduces Timeout feature for Stop-Loss and Trailing Stop-Loss
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Cryptohopper Introduces Timeout feature for Stop-Loss and Trailing Stop-Loss

Amsterdam, 17-10-2025 - Cryptohopper, a leading cryptocurrency trading bot platform, today announced the launch of two new features to improve its risk management capabilities: Stop-loss timeout and Trailing stop-loss timeout. These additions provide traders with more advanced tools to navigate the bull, bear, and sideways cryptocurrency trends.

Stop-loss is a crucial risk management tool that automatically sells a position when its price drops to a certain point, helping traders minimize potential losses. Cryptohopper has improved this feature on its trading platform to offer users greater control and flexibility in their trading approach.

New Stop-loss features

  1. Stop-loss timeout: Allows users to set a time delay before executing the stop-loss after the threshold is reached for a loss-making position.

  2. Trailing stop-loss timeout: Enables users to configure a time delay for the trailing stop-loss, helping avoid premature selling of a profitable trade during brief price dips

Cryptocurrency trading often involves volatile periods with significant price movements in both directions. By implementing a timeout for both stop-loss and trailing stop-loss features, traders can add a buffer period to avoid selling too quickly during temporary fluctuations, whether in profit or loss,

said Ruud Feltkamp, Co-founder and CEO of Cryptohopper.

Cryptohopper's improved stop-loss implementation allows users to set specific conditions for selling, such as waiting for a specified time after the stop-loss price is reached.

This added flexibility helps traders avoid selling during short-term price fluctuations that quickly recover, potentially preserving profitable positions.

The new trailing stop-loss timeout feature builds upon the existing trailing stop-loss functionality, which automatically adjusts the stop-loss level as the price of an asset increases. By adding a time-based component, users can now fine-tune their risk management strategy to better suit their trading style and market conditions.

While these advanced stop-loss features offer benefits like improved flexibility and potential loss mitigation, Cryptohopper emphasizes the importance of understanding and properly configuring these settings for effective use.

For more information about Cryptohopper's new stop-loss features and how to incorporate them into your trading strategy, visit Cryptohopper.com.

About Cryptohopper

Founded in 2017, Cryptohopper is a leading cryptocurrency trading platform that empowers investors with advanced automated trading solutions. Specializing in trading bots, Cryptohopper offers a comprehensive suite of tools including TradingView Alerts integration, custom Trading Signals, and sophisticated Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) strategies.

Available on 17 major cryptocurrency exchanges, including industry giants Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken, Cryptohopper provides users access to diverse trading markets. The platform caters to both novice and experienced traders, offering intuitive interfaces alongside powerful customization options.

Key features of Cryptohopper include:

  • Customizable trading bots for automated, 24/7 trading

  • Integration with TradingView Alerts for timely market actions

  • Access to a marketplace of professional Trading Signals

  • Advanced DCA strategies for optimized entry positions

  • Backtesting and paper trading for risk-free strategy optimization

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