Cryptohopper Announces Price Change
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Cryptohopper Announces Price Change

Hello Cryptohopper Traders,

Today, we want to announce an important change.

When Cryptohopper began its journey in 2017, we set our prices with the promise of bringing innovation to traders worldwide.

Throughout the years, we've stayed true to our word, maintaining the same prices while continuously improving our platform and introducing a multitude of functionalities.

With every update, every new trading feature, and every challenge, we've never deviated from that price. That's six long years of the same, consistent rate.

As Cryptohopper grew, we continued to add more and more useful features (thanks to suggestions from people like you!). However, fixed costs, such as salaries, rose, also thanks to inflation. As a result, the costs of running and maintaining our trading platform also increased.

By now, Cryptohopper has evolved into a leading trading platform, unique with features like A.I., Backtesting, and the ability to create/test your own strategies and thereby scan the markets on your own. This places us in a different price category than other bot providers who focus on offering simpler bots.

To ensure that Cryptohopper continues to grow and introduce/improve these new tools and features, it's essential that we revisit our pricing structure.

Here's what you need to know:

New Pricing Structure

Starting this November, our subscription costs will be as follows:

  • Explorer: $29

  • Adventure: $69

  • Hero: $129

Valuing Our Loyal Users

If you're already a Cryptohopper trader and have an active subscription before November? You'll continue to pay the old price. No changes for the duration of that subscription. We promise.

A Halloween Treat for You

In the spirit of the season, and as a token of our gratitude, we are thrilled (no pun intended) to offer a 20% Halloween discount until the end of this month. It's our way of saying "Thank you" and ensuring that you, our dedicated supporter, can continue to enjoy the old pricing.

Use the code HALLOWEEN23 upon checkout, to get a 20% discount on your first invoice when buying an Adventure or Hero subscription. This means you'll get up to $388,8 total discount when purchasing a Hero yearly subscription.

All in all, this change is about growth—for Cryptohopper and the services we provide to you. I genuinely hope you understand, and I'm always here (well, digitally at least) if you want to chat or have any concerns.

We are considering offering a cheaper entry-level package to not deter beginners. We're also looking into whether some of the more innovative functionalities might be more suitable for enterprise clients, which could potentially reduce the price of entry-level packages in the future.

Thank you for all your support and ideas. Here's to many more years of crypto adventures together!

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Disclaimer: Cryptohopper is geen gereguleerde entiteit. De handel in cryptocurrency bots brengt aanzienlijke risico's met zich mee en in het verleden behaalde resultaten bieden geen garantie voor de toekomst. De winsten getoond in product screenshots zijn voor illustratieve doeleinden en kunnen overdreven zijn. Doe alleen aan bothandel als u over voldoende kennis beschikt of vraag advies aan een gekwalificeerd financieel adviseur. In geen geval aanvaardt Cryptohopper enige aansprakelijkheid jegens enige persoon of entiteit voor (a) enig verlies of schade, geheel of gedeeltelijk, veroorzaakt door, voortvloeiend uit of in verband met transacties met onze software of (b) enige directe, indirecte, speciale, gevolg- of incidentele schade. Houd er rekening mee dat de inhoud die beschikbaar is op het Cryptohopper sociale handelsplatform is gegenereerd door leden van de Cryptohopper gemeenschap en geen advies of aanbevelingen van Cryptohopper of namens haar vormt. Winsten getoond op de Marktplaats zijn niet indicatief voor toekomstige resultaten. Door gebruik te maken van de diensten van Cryptohopper, erkent en aanvaardt u de inherente risico's die betrokken zijn bij de handel in cryptocurrency en gaat u ermee akkoord Cryptohopper te vrijwaren van eventuele aansprakelijkheden of opgelopen verliezen. Het is essentieel om onze Servicevoorwaarden en Risicobeleid te lezen en te begrijpen voordat u onze software gebruikt of deelneemt aan handelsactiviteiten. Raadpleeg juridische en financiële professionals voor persoonlijk advies op basis van uw specifieke omstandigheden.

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