Binance API Key Changes: Cryptohopper's Got You Covered
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Binance API Key Changes: Cryptohopper's Got You Covered

Hey Cryptohopper community,

We've got an important update for you regarding Binance's API keys. As you may have heard, it’s no longer possible to create API keys with trade rights, when you haven’t whitelisted IP addresses. Cryptohopper uses a ton of IP addresses to get around Binance's API rate limits, which are essentially limits on how many requests you can make to an API within a certain time period.

Binance informed us about this change just six days before the deadline, which wasn't exactly ideal.

But don't worry, we've got your back. We've now successfully implemented IP whitelisting to keep supporting Binance. Users can copy IP addresses from Cryptohopper and whitelist them on Binance. This way, it stays possible to trade on Binance while increasing security for our users.

If you need help connecting your bot to Binance, we have a tutorial available at https://docs.cryptohopper.com/docs/tutorials/connect-your-bot-to-binance/. Our wonderful support staff is available 24/7 to help you set up your account and answer any questions you might have.

We're in touch with all the major crypto exchanges to make sure we're always in the know about their API plans, so we can keep you informed and prepared for any changes that might impact you.

And even though this solution is currently only for Binance, we're working on offering similar solutions for other exchanges too.

A huge shoutout goes to our team, who worked their butts off in the past few days to make this happen. Thanks to their hard work and dedication, we're able to offer a solution that lets you keep using Binance with Cryptohopper.

Thanks for sticking with us, and we hope this update puts your mind at ease.

The Cryptohopper Team

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