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Cryptotastic Sideways Swing

Cryptotastic Sideways Swing

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This strategy is designed to buy pullbacks in SIDEWAYS markets. No sell signals are generated for this strategy.

Max open positions: (see notes)
Percentage buy amount: (see notes)
Take profit: 2%
Sell by strategy: false
Stop-loss: none

Dollar Cost Averaging Settings :
DCA max retries: 5
DCA percent trigger: 2
DCA order size: Custom percentage
DCA order size percentage: 100

- As with all strategies, due to the fact that many conditions affect the level of success any given strategy will have (current market, selected coins, exchange, Cryptohopper tier, etc.), you should test selected strategies to see how they will perform in any given scenario.

- This strategy has performed best without a configured stop-loss in the months tested, but will obviously leave you holding assets in the event of a market crash. Choose a strategy suited to your own hold or loss investment tolerance.

- The Dollar cost averaging settings are recommended as a loss-mitigation strategy. When using Dollar cost averaging, ensure you have enough funds to cover potential purchases for the amount of coins to which DCA is being applied. The goal of using DCA here is to reduce exposure time (i.e. amount of time until you take profit). As such, percentage increases in increments of 100 are recommended (e.g. "Double-down", "Triple-down"). Due to the fact that Cryptohopper's dollar cost averaging feature is always based upon percentages of the currently opened position, the exposure can grow fairly rapidly. To account for a maximum of 5 DCA purchases at 100% for each open position, you will need funds to cover the average purchase price * 2^5 * number of possible open positions. For example, if you allow for a total of 5 open positions with an average purchase price of $25 then you would need 25 * 2^5 * 5 which is $4,000. Given the total funds you will be investing, use the follow formula to compute the Percentage buy amount to account for the ability to use 5 DCA purchases using an order size percentage of 100% (i.e. double-down):
[My total funds] / 5 / 2^5
For example, if you have $4,000:
4000 / 5 = $800 (total amount for the lifetime of a position assuming all 5 DCAs are used)
800 / 2^5 = $25 (average purchase amount for initial positions)

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