146 Sales
This strategy for entry fast position then sell make a little profit many position in day.
Strategy can make profit any market condition even down trend.
Our website - https://momentumcryptos.com
Backtest Results - https://momentumcryptos.com/crypto-products/scalping-trade/
**Recommend for Adventure or Hero subscription.
----- Recommend setting -----
Take Profit : 2 - 10%
trailing stop-loss : 0.35 - 0.6%
**(0.35 for Bearish market)
Arm trailing stop-loss at : 1 - 2%
**(1 for Bearish market)
----- Recommend Template By Momentum Crypto -----
Momentum Scalping USDT : https://www.cryptohopper.com/marketplace/item?item_id=9660
----- Recommend Signals By Momentum Crypto -----
Free Scalping Signals : https://www.cryptohopper.com/signaller?signaller_id=462
Powerful AI Signals : https://www.cryptohopper.com/signaller?signaller_id=465
Scalping AI Signals : https://www.cryptohopper.com/signaller?signaller_id=464
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