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Hagakure Adamantium ROAR

Hagakure Adamantium ROAR

Type: Strategy
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This is an extremely robust strategy encompassing an ingenious set of indicators, entry and exit points. It yields BUY and SELL signals, thus you MUST enable“Sell based on strategy” (found in Sell strategy settings, see detailed description below).
Holding time is 6-45 days.

Use ticker rate: Use last tick if higher/lower

Buy settings
Order type: Market
Percentage bid: -
Max open time buy: 59
Max open position: maximum (i.e. 500 for Hero subscription)
Max percentage open positions per coin: slide it so that the “Result” is: Max 1 open positions per coin
Enable cooldown: 1 day
Only 1 open buy order per coin: NO
Only buy when there are positive pairs: NO
Auto merge positions: NO

Coins and amounts
Base currency: I suggest USDT, but the strategy works fine with any fiat currency or stablecoin. I have not tested it for volatile coins as base currency.

Percentage buy amount: 1
Minimum USDT amount per order: force the minimum enforced by your exchange

Strategy: Hagakure Adamantium ROAR.
Signals only: NO (do not mix this strategy with any signals!)
Number of targets to buy: 10

Trailing stop-buy: NO

Sell settings
Take profit at: 30
Order type: Market
Max open time sell: 30
Percentage ask: -

Sell strategy
Sell based on strategy: yes

Hold assets when new target is the same: NO

Stop-loss: NO

Trailing stop-loss: 4, Arm 20

Auto close: NO

Shorting settings: NO

Dollar Cost Averaging: NO


TRIGGERS (two triggers needed):
trigger 1)
Name: PANIC BTC: candle 2h %change less-10, buying stat: disable;PANIC;cooldown10hours

Enabled: YES

Select market: BTCUSDT (or BTC/USDT, whatever exchange, the point is to follow BTC)

Select candle size: 2 hours

Select indicator(s): Percent change; Trigger when Percent change is: Less than or equal; Value: -10 (minus 10)

Action(s): Set buying status: Disabled

Sell everything/Panic mode (do not use market orders)

Cooldown period: 10 hours

trigger 2)
Name: PANIC ETH: candle 2h %change less-10, buying stat: disable;PANIC;cooldown10hours

Enabled: YES

Select market: ETHUSDT (or ETH/USDT, whatever exchange, the point is to follow ETH)

Select candle size: 2 hours

Select indicator(s): Percent change; Trigger when Percent change is: Less than or equal; Value: -10 (minus 10)

Action(s): Set buying status: Disabled

Sell everything/Panic mode (do not use market orders)

Cooldown period: 10 hours

As with all other Hagakure strategies, you can only apply the present strategy to coins during which the RSI (14) on the 4 day scale has crossed above the Moving Average (MA 14) also on the 4 day scale AND RSI (14) is less than 70, AND the On Balance Volume (OBV) is increasing for at least 14 periods (each period is 4 days). The above considerations cannot be implemented in the strategy because CH does not allow indicator values of longer than 1 day.

Strategy Details

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