5 Sales
Marketplace seller since
February 24th, 2021
Updated on
March 10th, 2021
Created on
March 8th, 2021
Many signals and strategies trigger buys, but how confident are you that your coin wil be bought at the lowest price? This strategy scans for candle patterns (5 min if more than two candles pattern and 15 min if only one candle pattern) and triggers the buy signal. This strategy should be used together with "Candles 1-5 min BUY for entry_B" and "Candles 1-5 min BUY for entry_C" and corresponding longer intervals in a single AI. Since the AI is required, this is only for Hero subscriptions, otherwise it can be used as standalone in other subscriptions.
The product provided on this page is not provided by Cryptohopper, but by external advisors and trading professionals. Although we check and validate each marketplace seller, Cryptohopper will not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage due to the use of these templates, strategies and/or copy bots. Past performance is not a guarantee or indicative for future results.
* All prices on this website are excluding VAT and excluding payment provider fees (if applicable).