1 (max copiers: 500)Copy Bot
***Fee is all-in. No other products or subscriptions are needed.
:::::::::: Summary ::::::::::
Minimum balance: 300$
Recommended balance: 1000$ - 5000$
Trading style(s): Swing Trading
Stance: Offensive
Risk Management: Sell Signals, Technical Trend
:::::::::: Description ::::::::::
Hardcore offensive Swing Trader setup with supervised coin list and trend-based risk management. The hopper automatically targets weekly top-performers of which it attempts to catch most of their upside. This hopper has a lower frequency but very high exposure on each trade. It will have few to none exposure when markets are trending down or get show signs of weakening.
Note: This hopper has very high exposure on each trade. Volatility is to be expected. The hopper will clean out positions at a larger reversal, in which case it might realize losses to prevent further downside.
:::::::::: Support and Social ::::::::::
Discord: https://discord.gg/MKFbF5EQx6
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Gainscrypt
Website: www.gainscrypt.com
:::::::::: Disclaimer ::::::::::
All strategies and templates presented by Gainscrypt are designed for optimal profit. However, trading is risky. Always perform your own research, risk assessment and trade responsibly. Past performance does not guarantee future results.
Year | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
2024 | 18.82% | -6.33% | -2.67% | -6.94% | 11.49% | -7.61% | 18.33% | -0.05% | ||||
2025 | -2.60% | -5.77% | 0.35% |
These results are based on a Copy Bot with simulated funds (paper trading) of $10,000.00 and has portfolio sync enabled. Past performance is not a guarantee or indicative for future results.
Calculate your minimum investment needed to cover for the subscription costs. You can change the investment value to calculate expected montlhy and yearly profits.
Change the investment value to see your returns.
This calculator is designed to provide an estimate of the minimum investment required to cover your monthly subscription costs. Please note that it is not intended to predict or guarantee future profits, as past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
Total Copiers
Avg. profit per trade
Best profit per trade
0 0%
Winning trades
0 0%
Losing trades
W/L Ratio
The product provided on this page is not provided by Cryptohopper, but by external advisors and trading professionals. Although we check and validate each marketplace seller, Cryptohopper will not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage due to the use of these templates, strategies and/or copy bots. Past performance is not a guarantee or indicative for future results.
* All prices on this website are excluding VAT and excluding payment provider fees (if applicable).