20 (max copiers: 100)Copy Bots
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!!! WARNING - This is bot uses a compound strategy. This means it will use up to 50% for Altcoins or 100% for Bitcoin of you funds for one or two open position. Please familiarize yourself with the concept of compounding and the risks involved before subscribing. !!!
"Portfolio Sync" when starting your subscription or after switching off for some time. When we are holding positions currently at loss, your position will be in profit earlier, but they will not sell until we are in profit. However, your profits will be potentially higher. It is up to you, if you want to risk it. With "Portfolio Sync" off, your bot will start with the next order. The waiting time will be the same regardless. Once your bot is in sync, it does not matter if it is on or off. !!!
!!! INFO - Trading frequency is varying greatly. It can take up to two weeks without a trade. Please have some patience. !!!
!!! INFO - You do not need an additional subscription from Cryptohopper for a copy bot. !!!
1KTO1M is a challenge to trade your way up from an initial investment of $1000 to a whopping 1 million (or more) through the power of compounding with a total average profit target of 3% daily.
Compounding is a simple concept but very powerful because it has a multiplier effect on the initial capital – the ability of the investment to generate earnings from not only the initial principal invested but also the subsequent interest earned over the coming period. You wager your total balance for one trade each time. The profits can grow exponentially. It is however very risky and I do NOT recommend this with your main portfolio.
Adaptive Strategies
Templates and strategies are automatically adaptively cycled to deploy the best settings and assets for the current market condition. I do trade manually sometimes too. Coin list is evaluated every 3 months and updated according to best performance.
BTC Dominator
Bitcoin, as leading index, is continuously monitored. Should Bitcoin experience an extraordinary price increase, it will attempt to close your Altcoin positions with profit and then ride the Bitcoin bull. Usually a higher Bitcoin dominance results in loss for Altcoins. Ideally you manage to get out before that happens. Normal operation resumes after the market has stabilized.
Crash Protection
Likewise, if there is indication Bitcoin is crashing it attempts to exit your Altcoin positions with profit ideally before they are affected by a market crash. Altcoins tend to crash harder than Bitcoin. Normal operation resumes after the market has stabilized.
SHTF Mode (planned - not technically possible yet)
When sh!t hits the f!n and USDT is de-pegging from the USD during Crash Protection, the bot will exit into USD.
Selected currencies:
Year | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
2024 | -6.37% | 4.11% | -26.86% | -19.77% | -4.35% | 56.92% | -0.71% | 55.54% | -8.27% | |||
2025 | 0.02% | -40.27% | 4.54% |
These results are based on a Copy Bot with simulated funds (paper trading) of $10,000.00 and has portfolio sync enabled. Past performance is not a guarantee or indicative for future results.
Calculate your minimum investment needed to cover for the subscription costs. You can change the investment value to calculate expected montlhy and yearly profits.
Change the investment value to see your returns.
This calculator is designed to provide an estimate of the minimum investment required to cover your monthly subscription costs. Please note that it is not intended to predict or guarantee future profits, as past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
Total Copiers
Avg. profit per trade
Best profit per trade
0 0%
Winning trades
0 0%
Losing trades
W/L Ratio
The product provided on this page is not provided by Cryptohopper, but by external advisors and trading professionals. Although we check and validate each marketplace seller, Cryptohopper will not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage due to the use of these templates, strategies and/or copy bots. Past performance is not a guarantee or indicative for future results.
* All prices on this website are excluding VAT and excluding payment provider fees (if applicable).