Switch hopper templates | Bottom detector | Signal Bot
Auto template switcher | Protect | Analytics | Signal bot builder - all from one easy app with Quantabotics™
Quantabotics lets you rapidly develop your own signal robot profiles that read market analytics and control your Cryptohopper bot the way you like it! Plug-in our proprietary machine learning and parallel computing technology! Our algorithms search over 40 million permutations of positional outcomes against 3 years of market data before performing near instant backtesting on the results to deliver unique statistical data direct to your Quantabot. If the data analytics matches your Quanbtabot behaviour profile, then like any good little robot, it executes your wishes!
Feedback is always greatly appreciated. Please direct your observations by email in the first instance to our developers at [email protected].
See our help guide for Toridion Finance Analytics for a closer look at using this app. > https://docs.cryptohopper.com/docs/apps/toridion-quantabotics/