Bitvavo All Markets Tournament
이 토너먼트에서 상위 3명의 플레이어가 우승했습니다:
10/18/2022의 9:00:00 AM에 토너먼트가 종료되었습니다.
토너먼트 참가 방법
Show off your crypto trading skills and join this tournament and take a chance to win awesome prizes! Join this tournament in just four simple steps.
US$0 0%
현재 볼륨
은 다음에서 끝납니다.
상금 풀
이 토너먼트에 참가해 멋진 상품을 받으세요!
대상 | < 30 players | >= 30 players |
1th 장소 | Leaderboard points | Adventurer 구독 |
2th 장소 | Leaderboard points | Explorer 구독 |
3th 장소 | Leaderboard points | Explorer 구독 |
토너먼트 규칙
There are some limitations and things you have to know when participating:
A score will only be given when there is a buy-and-sell trade.
The score is based on the sell trade for DCA trades after your positions have merged.
Shorting trades only get scores after a sell and only take into account one buying and selling cycle.
*All Markets means that you can trade any quote currency you like on Bitvavo to score points. Real funds Hopper only, so no Paper Trading Hoppers.
토너먼트 참가