
5 cards in one: Use all the benefits of your Bitpanda Card

2021년 8월 13일 4 분 읽기
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1. Your euro card

With the Bitpanda Card, you can spend your investments like cash - but you don’t have to. Just like with traditional debit cards, you can use euro with your Bitpanda Card. Simply set euro as your default asset and spend it directly with your card. No upfront costs, delivery costs or subscription fees. Simply free. Enjoy the benefits of your Bitpanda Card with or without touching your investments.

2. Your asset-backed card

Is Starbucks’ share price on the up? Buy your venti latte with the gains you made last week. By allowing payments via both euro and digital assets, the Bitpanda Card is one of the most innovative and versatile debit cards. When the next bull run hits and if you’d prefer spending some of the profits from your soaring assets, you can easily change your default wallet and make payments with that asset instead.

The Bitpanda Card can be connected to any asset in your portfolio - be that crypto, metals or fractional stocks - and switching to another asset is easy and quick. As your assets will only be sold at the very moment you use your Bitpanda Card, you have maximum control and flexibility on how you want to store or spend your funds.

3. Your travel card

The Bitpanda Card is your perfect travel companion, it works anywhere that Visa cards are accepted. Furthermore, we do not charge extra fees within the euro area, which makes for a hassle-free travel experience. Outside the euro area and in other continents, we offer fixed exchange fees tied to your BEST level. No one likes bad surprises, so you can check all your fees in the Bitpanda App and get full transparency over your potential charges.

4. Your worry-free card

As part of our mission, we are striving to make your finances as easy and worry-free as possible. All your card transactions will be displayed in the app so you can keep track of your spending habits. You’ll receive an instant payment confirmation notification on your phone in your Bitpanda App each time you pay with your card so you can see just how much you’ve spent in real time. Not only is this reassurance that your payment went through, but it also provides security should your card get lost or stolen. You will immediately know where, when and what your card was used for. For any questions and concerns, we have customer support available for you with fast and helpful advice.

If your card is stolen, you can simply block it with one tap in your app. The Bitpanda Card is also backed by Visa security and fraud prevention to keep online shopping and in-store purchases safe.

Also, paying with your Bitpanda Card is possible without physically having it with you: simply add your card to Google Pay or Samsung Pay and use it to pay through your device.

5. Your cashback card

One more reason to make use of your Bitpanda Card is our cashback programme for our BEST VIP users. You can earn up to 2% cashback in BTC with every purchase made.

Click here to learn more about Bitpanda Card benefits for BEST VIP users. To check your BEST VIP level, click here. Keep an eye out for more rewards being added in the future.

Ready to use your Bitpanda Card and take advantage of all it has to offer? Get started .

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