Trailing Orders
Better buys & sells,
the easy way
Sell or buy based on price direction. Sell a profiting position automatically when the price goes down, let your buy order track the price, and initiate the buy when the price goes up again.
- More profitOn your sells
- Better pricesWhen opening up a buy
- ProtectionAgainst greater losses
Trailing stop-loss
More profit
on your
Never sell too early again with the Trailing Stop-Loss. Follow the price up, and only sell when the price goes down by the percentage that you configure. All automatically.
Richard Engel
I enjoy working with the trailing stop loss. It gives me peace of mind that I know that the hopper will take profit at the moments the prices fall again. Since crypto prices are very volatile, I...
Trailing Stop-Buy
Stop buying at the
Ever bought a position, which made a big loss right after? Use our Trailing Stop-Buy. When your Hopper wants to buy a position, it’ll wait and let the price go down. When the price goes up again, that’s when your bot will make the buy order.
Trailing Stop-Short
Protect yourself from
further losses
Sell a position automatically and let the price go down. Your Hopper will automatically buy the position back once the price goes up again, protecting you from further losses.
Other Features
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