
Vote for HTX and Share 200 USDT: Support HTX in Winning Best Centralized Exchange at BeInCrypto Excellence Award 2024!

29. 11. 2024 4 min. čtení
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HTX Square is launching a special event to thank our users—new and existing—for your support. By voting for HTX, you’ll play a key role in helping us secure the award while earning a chance to share 200 USDT in our lucky draw!

Simply visit the BeInCrypto Excellence Award 2024 voting website (https://awards.beincrypto.com/) and vote for HTX in the “Best Centralized Exchange” category. Then, take screenshots of the “Select HTX” page and the “Vote Successful” page, upload them to the event form, and be sure to include your HTX UID. Once completed, you’ll be eligible to enter the lucky draw. After the voting closes, we’ll randomly choose 10 users from those who have voted and submitted the form. Each lucky winner will receive 10 USDT airdropped to their HTX accounts.

The page that displays your choice of HTX.

The page that displays your vote was successfully completed.

Additionally, you have a chance to double your reward! Simply share this post on any social media platform or group, and upload the screenshot of your share to the event form. If you’re chosen as one of the lucky winners, your reward will be increased to 20 USDT.

Detailed Rules:

● Event Period: From now until December 5 (UTC)

● Eligibility:

○ Enter your HTX UID in the event form.

○ Visit the BeInCrypto Excellence Award 2024 voting website and vote for HTX. Then, take screenshots of the “Select HTX” page and the “Vote Successful” page, and upload them to the event form.

○ Share this HTX Square post on any social media platform or group, and upload the screenshot of your share to the event form. If you’re chosen as one of the lucky winners, your reward will be doubled.

○ Submit the event form.

● Cast your vote for HTX by visiting https://awards.beincrypto.com/

● Fill in the event form here: https://forms.gle/LhQ2N5phjTRd2Lx68

● Reward Rules:

○ We’ll randomly choose 10 users from those who have voted and submitted the form. Each lucky winner will receive a 10 USDT reward.

○ If a winner shares this HTX Square post on any social media platform or group, their reward will increase to 20 USDT.

○ Participants must complete L3 KYC verification before the end of the event to be eligible for rewards. If a winner has not completed L3 KYC verification, or if the screenshots they submit do not meet the specified requirements, they will forfeit their eligibility. In such cases, the platform will randomly select another lucky winner.

○ Once the lucky draw picks are made, HTX Square will publish the list of winners on the HTX official website and in the HTX Community.

○ Rewards will be airdropped to each winner’s HTX account corresponding to the UID.

○ HTX Square reserves the right for final interpretation of this event.

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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