
“Trade New Cryptos Only on HTX”? Analyzing Justin Sun’s Confidence Through $TRUMP

24. 1. 2025 3 min. čtení
Bannerový obrázek novinového článku

Just one day later, on January 18, the launch of the official meme coin of U.S. President Donald Trump, $TRUMP, ignited the crypto market. Demonstrating its agility, HTX quickly listed $TRUMP for spot and grid trading in around seven hours after the coin’s release, outpacing most major exchanges. This early mover advantage allowed HTX users capitalize on the coin’s surge – $TRUMP experienced a staggering 1,250% increase within an hour, catapulting it into the limelight and dominating social media discourse. As a result, user interest in HTX soared, with many inquiring about download and sign up processes. HTX undeniably became the epicenter of the $TRUMP frenzy.

HTX immediately expanded its $TRUMP offerings, introducing margin and perpetual futures trading after spot trading. A series of $TRUMP trading contests, including a Futures Trading Carnival with doubled rewards, were launched to maximize user benefits and enhance their trading experience.

The rapid listing of $TRUMP exemplifies HTX’s consistent approach. Throughout 2024, a period marked by the rise of diverse sectors and countless success stories, HTX consistently positioned itself at the forefront. Solana meme coins, the RWA sector, election-themed coins, TRON-based meme coins, the expanding TON ecosystem, revived NFT projects, and emerging DeSci and AI Agent sectors all witnessed early HTX listings. Crypto gems like $WIF, $BOME, $SUNDOG, $NEIROCTO, and $ACTSOL, initially listed on HTX, stand testament to the platform’s ability to identify and list high-quality projects.

For trending cryptos, HTX offers a comprehensive suite of services beyond spot, futures, and margin trading. High-return Earn products, mining events, and rewarding trading contests further enhance user profitability. At the same time, HTX Live, HTX Learn, and HTX Square provide valuable educational resources to deepen user understanding of market dynamics and refine investment strategies. By combining early trading opportunities, diverse activities, and robust educational support, HTX empowers users to maximize their returns when trading new cryptos. This comprehensive approach substantiates Justin Sun’s claim that “Trade new cryptos only on HTX,” a sentiment echoed by user comments such as, “HTX’s been impressive lately, and almost every new crypto is multiplying in value” and “HTX is definitely the best at meeting user needs.”

Justin Sun’s enduring dedication to cryptocurrency innovation, coupled with HTX’s 11-year operational history and proven ability to navigate both bull and bear markets, sets them apart in the industry. HTX has garnered a stellar reputation for its user-centric approach.

As we enter 2025, HTX’s asset listing team continues its momentum. Recent additions like $BIO, $XTER, $AVAAI, and $BUZZ have already demonstrated significant growth potential. Under Justin Sun’s leadership and driven by a sharp eye for crypto selection, rapid listings, and a top-notch user experience, HTX is well on its way to making “Trade new cryptos only on HTX” a reality for a growing number of traders.

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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