
Summer Fun at HTX Square: Predict the EURO 2024 Champion and Win Big Prizes!

5. 7. 2024 3 min. čtení
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Event Detail: Split 100 USDT by Predicting the EURO 2024 Champion

Germany, as the host nation, holds the home-turf advantage, while Spain and the Netherlands show scintillating form. Portugal boasts talismanic Cristiano Ronaldo. France and England feature star-studded rosters brimming with talent. And let’s not overlook the dark horse challengers Switzerland and Turkey, who have demonstrated their ability to upset the established powers. The ultimate question remains: Which one of these teams will emerge victorious and earn the honor of lifting the prestigious Henri Delaunay Trophy as the champion? To participate in the event, begin by following HTX Square in the HTX Community. Next, write a post predicting your championship team using the hashtag #Split100USDTByPredictingEURO2024ChampionWithHTXSquare in the HTX Community. The earlier your post, the higher your chances of sharing the 100 USDT rewards!

Football, as the world’s most popular sport, boasts a massive global fan base. With the rising prominence of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, this has led to the emergence of a diverse array of sports-themed tokens, including dedicated fan tokens that cater to the interests of football fans. 2024 stands out as a landmark year for sports. Beyond the ongoing excitement of the UEFA EURO 2024, the 33rd Summer Olympic Games will soon be held in Paris. Given the immense global interest and engagement surrounding these major sporting events, will this present a new window of opportunity for the burgeoning sports tokens to flourish? While making your EURO 2024 champion predictions, please feel free to share your perspectives and insights on sports tokens.

Event Period: 16:00 on July 4 – 15:59 on July 9 (UTC)

● Reward Distribution: Total prize pool of 100 USDT, split among 5 winners, with each receiving 20 USDT.

● Event Rules:

1. Post under the topic #Split100USDTByPredictingEURO2024ChampionWithHTXSquare in the HTX Community, and write down the name of the team you predict to win the championship. If a user with the same UID publishes multiple posts, only their first post will be considered a valid prediction.

2. You’re welcome to share more with the community, including:

(1) Give reasons for your predictions, or talk about your favorite teams, stars, and personal stories related to football.

(2) Share your preferred sports tokens and analyze their potential for growth.

● Reward Rules:

1. After the UEFA EURO 2024 ends, we’ll identify the first 5 participants who made accurate predictions as winners. If there are fewer than 5 winners, the prize pool of 100 USDT will be divided among the actual eligible winners.

2. Participants must follow HTX Square in the HTX Community to be eligible for the award evaluation.

3. Participants must complete level 3 KYC Verification before the end of the event to be eligible for rewards.

4. Rewards will be airdropped to each winner’s HTX account corresponding to the UID.

5. HTX Square reserves the right for final interpretation of this event.

Click here to participate

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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