
Scoop Limited Edition Monopoly Millionaire Game (MMG) NFTs to Plunge into the Metaverse!

5. 7. 2022 2 min. čtení
Bannerový obrázek novinového článku

Each Mystery Box will go on sale for a special price of 200 USDT. Get your hands on the first 400 NFTs from a pool of 388 (1-star) N and 12 (2-star) R.

5,000 USDT Prize Pool Awaits

To claim a share of the prize pool, users must own at least two 1-star (N) NFTs or one 2-star (R) NFT at the snapshot time on July 8, 2022, 11AM UTC.

The prize pool will be split among eligible participants based on the number of NFTs they hold.

Purchase Now!

15 NFTs Rewarded to Top Holders

A 1-star NFT will be rewarded to the daily top MMG NFT holder each day. At the end of the event period, the top three MMG NFT holders will each receive a 1-star NFT.

The event starts on July 8, 2022, 11AM UTC and ends on July 14, 2022, 11AM UTC.

A snapshot of total holdings per user will be taken on July 8, 2022, 10AM UTC.

More Details!

About Monopoly Millionaire Game

Monopoly Millionaire Game (MMG) is a marine-themed GameFi that involves island construction, cultivating, shooting, and much more. The platform hosts both in-house developed games and third-party titles. The company will release nine games at launch, and is set to build its own metaverse infrastructure for game developers, artists and game enthusiasts.

Players can play-to-earn NFT rewards and tokens issued by MMG. Upgrading in-game cannons allows users to hunt sea creatures faster and earn more rewards. The platform issues two types of tokens: MMG, the in-game currency, and MMC, the governance token.

Terms and Conditions:

1. All participating users must strictly adhere to the Bybit Terms of Service. Bybit reserves the right to disqualify any participants who engage in dishonest or abusive activities during the event, including bulk-account registrations to farm additional bonuses and any other activities in connection with unlawful, fraudulent or harmful purposes.

2. Bybit reserves the right to modify the terms of this event without notifying users in advance. Bybit reserves the right of final interpretation of this event. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service.

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