
Lunar New Year Special: Subscribe to HTX Earn Products and Win up to 100% APY Booster Coupons

7. 2. 2024 4 min. čtení
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Top the Individual Subscription Amount Leaderboard this Lunar New Year for a 100% APY Boost

To celebrate the Lunar New Year, HTX Earn is presenting an event with a leaderboard based on users’ subscription amounts of Earn products, alongside a prize pool of APY Booster Coupons for participants. The larger a participant’s subscription amount, the higher the value of the APY Booster Coupon they will receive. Thus, subscribing to HTX Earn products unlocks extra benefits, making it a perfect time to invite friends and maximize earnings.

This Lunar New Year special event will last from 16:00:00 (UTC) on February 7, 2024, to 16:00:00 (UTC) on February 18, 2024. During the event, the top 1,000 participants who subscribe to Earn products will receive an up to 100% APY Booster Coupon for the USDT Flexible product as a reward based on their subscription amount. As holdings increase, so do rewards.

According to HTX’s release, applicable HTX Earn products for this event include Fixed, Flexible, New User Exclusive, Shark Fin, and Flexi Max. Each user can take this offer only once, and rewards cannot be accumulated.

Unlock Up to 100% APY with HTX Earn’s Newly Listed Flexible and New User Exclusive Products for $HTX

Following the initial $HTX airdrop distribution and the introduction of HTX/USDT spot trading on the HTX platform, a wave of new benefits and events has swept surrounding $HTX. HTX Earn has launched the Flexible and New User Exclusive products for $HTX.

$HTX Flexible product boasts a 15% Est. APY, with a subscription starting at 10 $HTX. The 7-day $HTX Fixed product offers up to 100% APY, with a subscription starting at 20,000 $HTX, exclusively available to new HTX Earn users. Don’t miss out!

According to reports, the HTX token, pivotal to HTX DAO, plays a crucial role as a dedicated supporter of the visionaries driving decentralized economy advancements, making it an integral part of future blockchain ecosystem developments. Within the HTX DAO ecosystem, the HTX token serves various functions, facilitating transactions, offering fee discounts, and granting access to exclusive ecosystem features and services. HTX token holders actively participate in decentralized governance through voting, emphasizing inclusivity.

Explore the Brand-New HTX Earn for Smarter, Simpler, Smoother Experiences

The brand-new HTX Earn debuts in 2024 after its upgrade, helping users stay updated on the latest investment opportunities to boost their wealth during the bull market with an optimized interface.

This upgrade optimizes the new crypto search feature, while also highlighting top recommendations for users. Users can easily browse and compare all products for various cryptocurrencies on the Earn homepage, enabling them to quickly find their desired cryptos. Additionally, a New Listings section is introduced to house Earn products for newly listed popular cryptocurrencies and those with limited-time bonuses.

HTX Earn serves as a one-stop service platform for growing and managing virtual assets, presenting a range of products that align with users’ requirements. It guarantees the utmost security of assets, thanks to the exchange’s robust risk management system. HTX Earn is purpose-built to deliver top-tier assets for daily passive income, coupled with a user-friendly interface that ensures a seamless and convenient wealth management experience.

Users can update their HTX App to explore the latest features of HTX Earn. Simply visit HTX’s official website and find Earn in the top navigation bar, or open the HTX App and tap Earn on the homepage. While you’re enjoying a wonderful holiday, don’t miss out on seizing all market opportunities with HTX Earn!

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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