
Kraken climbs to #3 in Kaiko’s Q1 2025 global exchange ranking

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This ranking, which evaluates exchanges based on critical factors such as governance, security, technology and liquidity, reflects our continued industry leadership and deep commitment to our clients.

First off, who is Kaiko?

Kaiko is a leading provider of cryptocurrency market data, analytics and indices, offering businesses institutional-grade, regulatory-compliant solutions. These solutions are used by Kaiko Indices to conduct its independent quarterly assessment of spot cryptocurrency exchanges, ranking them based on various factors, including liquidity.

Why our overall ranking improved from 7th to 3rd

Our improved ranking can be attributed to several specific factors that align closely with Kaiko’s evaluation criteria. Our relentless focus on governance, liquidity, security and data transparency has contributed to a stronger, more resilient platform for our clients.

Strong governance and compliance

Kraken has long been an advocate for regulatory clarity and compliance while staying true to our mission: To accelerate the adoption of cryptocurrency for financial freedom and inclusion. In 2024, we further strengthened our legal and compliance frameworks, implementing a new Marketplace Rulebook that outlines clear trading standards and best practices.

Additionally, we expanded our educational content on anti-money laundering (AML), know-your-customer (KYC) and counter-financing of terrorism (CFT), ensuring clients and institutional partners understand the importance of regulatory compliance. Our industry-leading Proof of Reserves continues to set the standard for transparency in asset verification.

Best-in-class liquidity and market depth

Kraken is the go-to exchange for traders who prefer to operate against fiat currencies. Our USD and EUR order books are among the deepest in the industry, providing superior liquidity that minimizes slippage and improves execution quality.

By enhancing market depth and order book efficiency, we have created a more attractive trading environment for both institutional and retail investors.

Uncompromising security measures

Our security above everything ethos is at the core of our platform. Kraken’s top security professionals employ a risk-based approach to continuously refine our security protocols, ensuring our clients’ assets remain protected at the highest levels. Our rigorous infrastructure safeguards and account protection measures help us maintain our reputation as one of the most secure crypto exchanges in the world.

High-quality data reporting

Transparency is fundamental to Kraken’s approach, and our commitment to accurate, complete and reliable trading data helped us stand out in Kaiko’s rankings. We provide real-time and historical trade data, including OHLC (open, high, low, close) pricing with granularity in eight time intervals (1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 240, 720 and 1440 minutes).

This data is available through our REST and WebSocket APIs, which offer high rate limits to ensure seamless access for traders and developers alike.

Building on a year of significant progress

This recognition from Kaiko reaffirms Kraken’s position as one of the world’s top crypto exchanges. But the work never ends. Our relentless focus on security, governance, liquidity and transparency ensures we continue to provide a superior trading experience for our clients.

As traders demand more trustworthy and well-regulated platforms, Kraken remains a top choice for those seeking a secure, liquid and reliable exchange. We look forward to building on this momentum and setting even higher standards for the industry.

Get Started with Kraken

The post appeared first on Kraken Blog.

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