
Introducing the new Kraken Pro Web homepage

12. 9. 2024 4 min. čtení
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Explore the new Kraken Pro Web homepage

A more intuitive UI

The new homepage experience is built with pro traders in mind, featuring an interface that puts key account statuses, market insights and trade actions right at your fingertips.

Access key asset level actions directly from the 3-dot menu on the new homepage balances widget

Kraken Pro Web homepage includes:

  • Portfolio summary: Get an instant overview of your holdings with easy access to the main portfolio page.

  • Quick action buttons: We’ve introduced quick action buttons for essential tasks like trading, depositing and exploring markets. These buttons improve workflow by placing the most critical actions within easy reach.

  • Markets component: Our improved markets component lets you browse and filter markets with ease. It provides a high-level summary that makes it simple to spot trends and act on opportunities.

  • Recent activity: Keep tabs on your recent account actions with a detailed summary, fully equipped with filter controls. Whether you’re reviewing past trades or checking recent deposits, this feature helps you stay organized and informed.

  • Tip cards for customization: Discover and customize your Kraken Pro preferences with our new tip cards. These cards are designed to guide you through personalization options, ensuring that your trading environment suits your needs perfectly.

Get a broad view of markets, assets and your portfolio, all at a glance

Enhancing your trading flow

Our new components on the Kraken Pro Web homepage are designed to immediately integrate into your trading routine, enhancing both efficiency and customization.

By bringing key information and actions to the forefront, the new Kraken Pro Web homepage helps you make faster, better-informed decisions, all while allowing you to customize your workspace to fit your trading style.

So, log in today and experience the new Kraken Pro Web homepage for yourself. We think you’ll find it’s the perfect blend of simplicity and control.

Explore the new Kraken Pro Web homepage

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The post appeared first on Kraken Blog.

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