
Introducing Kraken Wrapped Bitcoin (kBTC): Unleashing Bitcoin’s potential across networks

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What is kBTC?

kBTC is a fully backed, cross-network-compatible ERC-20 token. Each kBTC token is fully backed 1:1 by an equivalent amount of Bitcoin and held securely in Kraken’s custody. Clients can verify this for themselves at any time by inspecting our reserves onchain.

kBTC can be used in decentralized applications (dApps) through interoperability with networks like Ethereum and OP Mainnet (formerly known as Optimism).

Learn more about kBTC

Why kBTC?

We’ve always championed the transformative potential of Bitcoin, the original and most resilient digital asset ever created. Now, with kBTC, you’re not just getting a wrapped token that lets you dive deeper into DeFi, you’re getting Kraken’s 13+ years of industry-leading custody infrastructure. This ensures that when you use kBTC, it is backed 1:1 by Bitcoin, securely stored and always accessible.

Kraken’s best-in-class custody procedures

Kraken’s full-reserve practices and regulated framework provide an unparalleled level of security and trust. Each kBTC token is backed 1:1 by an equivalent amount of Bitcoin held at Kraken Financial, a Wyoming-chartered SPDI (Special Purpose Depository Institution)

Don’t trust – verify!

Don’t take our word for it, see for yourself. We encourage you to inspect our onchain reserves and independently verify the transparency and security that we’ve built into kBTC:

Verify that kBTC is 1:1 backed

kBTC OP Mainnet smart contract
kBTC ETH smart contract
BTC custody address

Security and transparency are the core of kBTC

The kBTC ERC-20 smart contract was rigorously evaluated by Trail of Bits, an external security auditing firm. This audit, which kBTC passed, involved a detailed examination of our codebase and client architecture, aimed at identifying and addressing any potential security vulnerabilities.

Benefits of kBTC

kBTC transforms Bitcoin’s utility by allowing it to seamlessly integrate into Ethereum, OP Mainnet and beyond, with plans to extend compatibility to additional networks, including non-EVM ecosystems. 

Whether you’re a developer aiming to enhance your dApps with Bitcoin or an investor seeking to broaden your onchain portfolio, kBTC provides a secure, fully-backed solution that unlocks Bitcoin’s unparalleled value and potential across a diverse range of ecosystems. Our Day 1 launch partners include deBridge, Definitive, Gauntlet, ParaSwap and Yearn.

Kraken’s commitment to the future of Bitcoin

With kBTC, we’re bringing the power of Bitcoin to new networks, underpinned by the trust and security expertise Kraken has established over the last decade. We believe kBTC reinforces Bitcoin’s position as the epicenter of crypto, empowers crypto builders to explore new ways to use Bitcoin, and pushes the entire ecosystem forward.

Join us in this journey as we push the boundaries of what’s possible with Bitcoin, and ensure it remains the bedrock of the crypto industry for generations to come.

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Custody services provided by Kraken Financial, a Wyoming-chartered Special Purpose Depository Institution. Kraken Financial is not an FDIC-insured bank and deposits are neither insured by nor subject to the protections of the FDIC.

The post appeared first on Kraken Blog.

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