#Config#Base currency

Huobi Global Announces Discount Point Card Programme

14. 7. 2020 3 min. čtení
Bannerový obrázek novinového článku

1.   Huobi provides a time-limited discount card package equivalent to 2 million HT.

Par value of the point cardTotal shares of the first phaseDiscount
1000 USDT1199 copies50% off
3000 USDT899 copies55% off
10000 USDT799 copies60% off
50000 USDT699 copies65% off

Accepted payment: equivalent amount of HT to USDT at market prices

Period Effective: 3 Years  

Commissioning invite: You will be able to retain your original invitation rebate benefits when you use your card to deduct fees from this package.

Limited Order: 2 million HT (some package shares have been redeemed early)

This is the first phase of trial operation on point card system, and we will add the number of periods depending on the market reaction of the activity.

2. Why should you apply for a point card?

The HT point card system is designed to give individual users trading fees discounts that were only applied to professional and high frequency trading. 

PackagePar value of the point cardTotal shares of the first phaseDiscountDeduction of preferential rate
Potential VIP package8100 USDT99 copies71% off0.0586%
Quasi-VIP package30600 USDT99 copies75% off0.0496%
Pro.1 rate discount package54000 USDT99 copies77% off0.0462%
Pro.2 rate discount package96300 USDT99 copies79% off0.0420%
Pro.3 rate discount package116100 USDT99 copies81% off0.0378%
Pro.4 rate discount package138600 USDT99 copies83% off0.0336%

Accepted payment: equivalent amount of HT to USDT at market prices

Period Effective: 90 days (Due to the short validity period of the package plan, the unused plans will expire, please pay attention to the investment risk and make rational purchasing decisions.

Limited Order: only 99 copies of each package are available in the first phase on a first-come-first-served basis.

This is the first phase of trial operation, and we will add the number of periods depending on the effect of the activity.


1. The point card is a transaction fee recharge card launched by Huobi Global: 1 point = 1 USDT equivalent transaction fee, which can be used to compensate transaction fees, leveraged currency interest and P2P trading fees.

2. The time-limited point card has a validity period, and it will expire if it is not used.

3.Please note that this is not a shared plan, though you can apply this discount plan to all your accounts under your name. (Sub-accounts and main account)

4.The HT applied in exchange for the discount packages will remain locked for one year. HT monthly token burn will include the fees paid with the discount card to the platform as a part of the token burn plan designed by Huobi Global. 

5. The HT redemption for point card is now available on Huobi web page and will be soon available on App.

6. This is the first phase of trial operation on point card systems, and we will add the number of periods depending on the market reaction of the activity.

Please check out the “point card redemption” section in the “My Point Card” page. We hope you can enjoy the better trading experience with the special discount plans.

Huobi Global

July 14,2020

The post appeared first on Huobi Blog.

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