
HTX Named Among Forbes’ Most Trustworthy Crypto Exchanges of 2025

11. 2. 2025 3 min. čtení
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Forbes conducted a rigorous evaluation of cryptocurrency exchanges across a wide range of criteria, including trading volume, regulatory compliance, cost of trading, and overall security. HTX demonstrated exceptional performance across these metrics, particularly in its holdings of Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum(ETH), spot trading volume, and the breadth of its cryptocurrency product offerings. According to Forbes’ data, HTX currently ranks 6th globally in spot market share among all listed exchanges, a testament to its unwavering commitment to user experience and delivering superior value to its traders.

Growth Fueled by Innovation

Throughout 2024, HTX solidified its reputation as a launchpad for emerging cryptocurrencies, exemplified by its slogan “Trade new cryptos only on HTX.” The exchange listed 218 spot assets, including 171 exclusive first-to-market launches, while expanding its futures offerings with over 80 assets—nearly 70 of which delivered impressive returns exceeding 200%.

This strategic focus on high-potential assets has driven significant growth in 2024:

  • 3 million new registered users

  • Total trading volume increased to $2.4 trillion, doubling from the previous year.

  • Spot trading led with $1.5 trillion, comprising 62% of total volume and growing 160% year-over-year.

  • Futures trading reached $900 billion, a 70% YoY increase

A Vision for Financial Freedom

These achievements reflect HTX’s unwavering commitment to user-centric innovation. By combining institutional-grade security with a user-friendly interface, HTX continues to set new industry benchmarks while maintaining its position at the forefront of cryptocurrency adoption.

Moving forward, the platform will remain steadfast in its pursuit of its strategic development pillars: Global Expansion, Thriving Ecosystem, Wealth Effect, Security & Compliance. This unwavering focus will guide HTX as it strives to achieve its ultimate vision: “Achieving Financial Freedom for 8 Billion People on Earth”.

About HTX

Founded in 2013, HTX has evolved from a virtual asset exchange into a comprehensive ecosystem of blockchain businesses that span digital asset trading, financial derivatives, research, investments, incubation, and other businesses.

As a world-leading gateway to Web3, we harbor global capabilities that enable us to provide users with safe and reliable services. Our growth strategy – “Global Expansion, Thriving Ecosystem, Wealth Effect, Security & Compliance”, underpins our commitment to providing quality services and values to virtual asset enthusiasts worldwide.

For more information on HTX, please visit the HTX Square, or https://www.htx.com/?invite_code=9cqt3, and follow X, Telegram, Discord. For further press enquiries, please contact [email protected].

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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