
HTX Honored with BeInCrypto Excellence Award for Best Centralized Exchange

12. 12. 2024 3 min. čtení
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In 2024, HTX has adhered to its growth strategy of “Global Expansion, Thriving Ecosystem, Wealth Effect, Security & Compliance.” HTX has maintained its industry-leading position in key metrics such as trading volume, user base, asset listings, and liquidity. It has achieved this by consistently striving to enhance user experience, introduce innovative products, safeguard asset security, and foster community development. HTX has continually expanded its offerings, introducing approximately 200 new spot trading pairs and over 80 new futures trading pairs this year. The platform has also been at the forefront of innovation, launching pioneering products such as Liquid Restaking, Trade to Earn, SmartEarn, etc. Notably, HTX has maintained a spotless safety record with zero incidents. These achievements highlight HTX’s commitment to delivering a secure, reliable, and user-friendly cryptocurrency trading experience to a global audience.

While enhancing its exchange services, HTX has remained committed to driving industry growth and facilitating the broader adoption of cryptocurrencies. In 2024, HTX Ventures, the global investment arm of HTX, invested in 28 leading projects and funds shaping the new frontier of crypto technology innovation. These investments covered diverse fields such as DeFi, BTCFi, ZK-rollups, modular infrastructure, Layer 1 and Layer 2 solutions, AI, SocialFi, GameFi, and more.

What truly distinguishes HTX is its unwavering dedication to the community. Early in 2024, HTX DAO was established, marking a pivotal moment as HTX pioneered a new path for the decentralized development of exchanges with an innovative governance model. By continuously empowering $HTX, it has emerged as one of the most promising governance tokens. September saw the clash between $NEIRO and $NEIROCTO, and HTX stood firmly with the community by being the first platform to exclusively list $NEIROCTO, offering users the opportunity to profit from a hundredfold increase.

Notably, this marks the second consecutive year that HTX has won an annual exchange award from an authoritative institution. In 2023, HTX took home the “Best Crypto Trading Platform” award at Blockchain Life 2023. These consecutive accolades underscore the industry’s acknowledgment of HTX’s sustained efforts and achievements, while also setting a higher benchmark for the exchange’s future growth. In 2025, HTX will double down on improving user experience, driving innovation, strengthening security, and fostering ecosystem growth, moving closer to realizing its vision of “Achieving Financial Freedom for 8 Billion People on Earth.”

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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