
HTX DAO Completes Q4 2024 Token Burn: Over $22.47 Million Worth of $HTX Burned to Strengthen Ecosystem

18. 1. 2025 3 min. čtení
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For more details on the burn, please read HTX DAO’s official announcement: https://htxdao-1.gitbook.io/announcement-en

Achieving Record-Breaking Burn under Updated Mechanism

In Q3 2024, HTX DAO made a significant adjustment to its burn mechanism based on feedback from its governance committee and community members. The portion of $HTX tokens previously used for liquidity pledges are now directly burned. This shift is expected to substantially increase burn efficiency and support the long-term value appreciation of $HTX.

The latest burn marks the second execution under the updated mechanism. According to statistics, HTX DAO has burned a total of 49.63 trillion $HTX tokens in 2024, with the combined value of pledges and burns reaching approximately $95.22 million. This accomplishment underscores the platform’s dedication to reducing the circulating supply. It also demonstrates HTX DAO’s commitment to fostering stronger community consensus and  driving sustainable ecosystem growth.

Driving Long-term Growth Through Token Burns

As stipulated by the burn mechanism, HTX DAO will burn 50% of HTX’s quarterly revenue in $HTX tokens. This strategy meets the community’s expectations regarding token value management while further solidifying HTX DAO’s credibility and transparency in governance.

Regular token burns not only support the development of the $HTX deflationary model but also boosts confidence among community members. By reducing the circulating supply, this mechanism helps balance supply and demand, stabilize market prices, and increase the appeal of holding $HTX for the long term.

The HTX DAO Committee has stated that the ongoing implementation of the burn plan will enhance the scarcity of $HTX tokens and, through an improved ecosystem, provide more stable, long-term returns for platform users and investors.

Shaping the Future of the Ecosystem Through Community Consensus

As platform services continue to improve and the user base grows, the value and impact of HTX DAO’s quarterly burn mechanism will become even more apparent. The next burn is scheduled for April 15, 2025. The burn amount will be determined based on HTX’s revenue in Q1 2025.

Since its establishment, HTX DAO has focused on building a user-centric blockchain ecosystem founded on transparency, efficiency, and vitality. Moving forward, HTX DAO will continue engaging with community members to enhance governance mechanisms. Through transparent governance and efficient management, the platform will adopt sustainable growth strategies to create long-term value for users and communities. HTX DAO looks forward to collaborating with ecosystem partners and global users to build a more stable, open, and dynamic blockchain environment.

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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