
HTX and TradingView Forge Strategic Partnership, Ushering in a New Era of Crypto Trading

15. 10. 2024 2 min. čtení
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This partnership enables HTX users to trade cryptos directly within the TradingView platform, without the need to switch to the HTX website or app. With just a few simple steps, users can find the HTX icon in the TradingView trading panel, log in with their accounts, and start trading. This innovative feature offers cryptocurrency investors greater flexibility, allowing them to execute multiple trading strategies, track market dynamics, and place orders in real-time on a single platform, thereby enhancing trading efficiency.

Since its inception in 2013, HTX, a prominent global exchange, has been committed to providing secure, stable, and efficient trading services for users worldwide. HTX has secured crypto licenses and registrations in multiple regions, including Europe, the Americas, Asia, and the Middle East, serving over 47 million users. The platform offers more than 700 spot and derivatives trading pairs and provides discounts of up to 25% on trading fees. By utilizing $HTX, users can enjoy trading fees as low as 0.01%, making it a highly competitive option in the market.

This strategic partnership between HTX and TradingView marks a key milestone for both platforms, delivering richer market opportunities and more diverse investment portfolios to users. TradingView, a globally recognized leader in market analysis and trading, boasts a vast user base and offers comprehensive market data. With this integration, HTX will further expand its service offerings and deliver an enhanced trading experience to more cryptocurrency investors.

The HTX team stated, ‘We are excited to establish this long-term strategic partnership with TradingView. Through TradingView’s Broker feature, HTX users will be able to perform trades more easily and conveniently, while TradingView users will gain access to HTX’s premium services and valuable resources. This is a significant move in our mission to deliver a superior trading experience and foster the development of the crypto market.’

From now on, users worldwide can access HTX’s integrated trading feature on the TradingView platform, experiencing an innovative trading experience. For more information, please visit HTX’s official profile page on TradingView and embark on a new crypto trading journey.

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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