
Hourly Compounding: HTX Earn Redefines Crypto Earning Efficiency with 200+ Products

27. 3. 2025 4 min. čtení
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As trading risks increase, more investors are seeking stable and reliable passive income solutions. Centralized exchanges are competing to expand their wealth management offerings, and HTX Earn is leading the charge — delivering top-tier yields, an expansive range of supported assets, and constant product upgrades. Together, these features create a seamless and automated earning experience for crypto holders.

Earn While You Trade: The Power of HTX Auto-Earn

HTX Earn has recently launched a major upgrade to its Auto-Earn feature, enabling smoother, more flexible capital deployment with one-click subscription and redemption. This enhanced system redefines passive income through smarter automation.

With Auto-Earn enabled, users’ spot balances are automatically subscribed into the corresponding Flexible Earn products every hour, activating hourly automatic compounding to optimize returns. When users place spot trades, their Earn balances are automatically redeemed in real time to fulfill orders, eliminating the need for manual withdrawals and minimizing delays. Whether users are catching a market pump or executing daily trades, the entire process remains frictionless.

Even during market downturns, idle assets can keep working. Auto-Earn ensures that every satoshi is earning—whether you’re stacking BTC and ETH or exploring the next high-potential token listed on HTX.

HTX Earn has continuously pushed the boundaries of integrating trading and earning.  Following the success of SmartEarn, which enabled passive income generation on USDT balances in perpetual futures accounts, Auto-Earn closes the gap between spot trading and passive yield. Funds compound automatically, while liquidity remains readily accessible, giving HTX Earn a major edge over competing exchange-based yield products.

High Yields, More Choices: Find Your Perfect Fit

In passive income, APY matters, and HTX Earn consistently offers some of the most competitive rates in the industry, especially for stablecoins and PoS assets. For instance, USDD Flexible Earn offers an 8% APY — 9.4x higher than typical stablecoin products. Plus , users can subscribe using USDT at a 1:1 ratio with zero slippage, making it one of the most convenient options for optimizing yield. For holders of ETH, TRX, and SOL holders, HTX Earn’s Flexible products deliver returns comparable to on-chain staking, minus the technical complexity and security concerns.

A standout innovation is the $HTX Earn product. By subscribing to $HTX Flexible Earn, users automatically join Launchpool events, earning a 4% APY while receiving airdrops of trending project tokens. Currently, Launchpool #3 is in full swing, with 370,000+ USDT worth of airdrops from AB and OBT prize pools.

Beyond high yields, HTX Earn supports over 200 cryptocurrencies, with rapid listings of high-quality new assets. New users joining fixed term products for newly listed tokens can access APYs of up to 100%.

At present, top-performing Flexible Earn products include USDT, USDD, BTC, ETH, and $HTX, with DOGE and SHIB also gaining traction. With the TRON Meme Season 2.0 on the horizon, expect more SunPump meme coins to land on HTX and expand the Earn ecosystem further.

HTX Earn also runs a monthly “Earning Day” promotion, featuring APY Booster Coupons and exclusive perks. This month, HTX introduced 7-day fixed-term products for BTC, ETH, and USDT, offering up to 10% APY and attracting significant user demand.

The Bottom Line

Through every market cycle, HTX Earn stays ahead by delivering user-first innovations, smarter automation and a robust passive income ecosystem. From future balance yields to hourly compounding on spot balances, from 200+ supported assets to $HTX-powered ecosystem incentives, HTX Earn is redefining what’s possible in crypto passive income. No matter where the market moves, HTX Earn ensures your assets keep working, 24/7.

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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