
From Crypto OG to the Trump Family’s Crypto Advisor: Justin Sun’s Destined Role in the Crypto World?

6. 2. 2025 4 min. čtení
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Source: https://intel.arkm.com/explorer/entity/worldlibertyfi

These strategic moves underscore the deeper collaboration between Justin Sun, founder of TRON, Global Advisor to HTX and Advisor to WBTC, and the Trump family. Sun’s expanding influence now bridges digital assets, politics, economics, and global markets, driven by his visionary strategies and executional prowess.

A New Crypto Identity: Justin Sun as WLFI Advisor

On November 26, 2024, Sun added another title to his repertoire: Advisor to WLFI. The Trump family hailed his appointment, stating, “Justin’s insights and experience will be instrumental as we continue to innovate and grow.” This followed Sun’s$30 million investment in WLFI, making him its largest investor. By January 19, 2025, his total commitment reached $75 million after an additional $45 million infusion.

The Trump family’s growing TRX holdings signal their confidence in TRON DAO’s technological infrastructure and long-term market potential. This partnership exemplifies how crypto-industry leaders and political figures can collaborate to accelerate blockchain adoption, unlocking shared opportunities in the crypto market.

Justin Sun’s Crypto Empire

As the first cryptocurrency friendly U.S. president, Trump swiftly enacted policies easing digital asset regulations. On January 21, 2025, Bitcoin Magazine CEO David Bailey revealed that Trump’s first 200 executive orders included multiple pro-crypto measures. The following day, Trump authorized the SEC to form  a “Crypto Task Force,” led by Commissioner Hester Peirce (“Crypto Mom”), tasked with  developing a comprehensive and clear regulatory framework.

With a more crypto-friendly regulatory environment, Justin Sun’s strategic planning and innovation capabilities will be fully unleashed.  As WLFI’s advisor, he will provide the Trump family with market expertise to shape a more robust crypto ecosystem, further solidifying his industry leadership.

Mastering the “Trump Effect”: HTX’s Meme Coin Frenzy

Donald Trump’s dual role as president and global influencer has birthed the “Trump Effect”—a phenomenon where his endorsements trigger market surges. HTX has adeptly harnessed this momentum.

HTX was among the first major exchanges to list the official meme coins of Trump and his wife, Melania Trump ($TRUMP and $MELANIA), upon their launch. Its agility in capitalizing on these trends highlights its market acumen. The exchange amplified investor opportunities through promotional campaigns, including airdrops of TRUMP and WLFI tokens, further energizing the market.

Beyond meme coins, HTX anticipated the “Trump Effect” in AI. On January 21, Trump unveiled Stargate, a $500 billion AI infrastructure project partnering SoftBank, OpenAI, and Oracle. The announcement ignited rallies over the next three days in AI-focused tokens like ARC (+110%), PIPPIN (+121%), GRIFT (+90%), and SWARMS (+60%), all tradable on HTX.

HTX has consistently identified high-potential AI assets. Sun’s January 17 tweet, “Trade new cryptos only on HTX!”, underscored this edge.

Image sourced from the internet, as of January 22, 2025

The platform’s momentum attracted over 180,000 new users in a single day, a record underscoring its industry dominance. Backed by technical excellence, strategic agility, and brand strength, HTX continues to cement its status as a global blockchain leader.

The Chosen One in the Crypto World

Despite his monumental success, Sun remains relentlessly focused on advancing crypto adoption. Leveraging TRON DAO’s tech, HTX’s market prowess, and collaboration with the Trump family, he is poised to propel the crypto industry to new heights.

“Believe in yourself, you will definitely achieve great results!” Sun tweeted ahead of Trump’s inauguration. While his “great results” remain undefined, Sun’s trajectory suggests a defining role in shaping the future of global finance.

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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