
The Sandbox Opens NFT Presale: Buy LAND Near Binance

10. 11. 2020 3 min. čtení
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To celebrate this, The Sandbox will include – in addition to the already announced bundle of Atari and Smurfs NFT digital assets – an exclusive collector NFT in Binance’s neighboring lands. This NFT will be usable within The Sandbox Game Maker to create compelling game experiences ahead of the platform launch.

The Sandbox’s LAND token is a unique piece of digital real estate within the 166,464 total LANDS in The Sandbox’s metaverse. Players can own, create, and publish game experiences on their LAND, with LAND being a primary way to access monetization on the platform. The game can be accessed through a virtual map where the locations of LANDs and proximity to larger Estates and key positions will play a role in the gameplay, economy, and visibility of games.

Premium LANDs (NFTs) next to Binance LAND available for purchase (above, in yellow)

In September, Binance announced further collaboration with The Sandbox, the decentralized gaming platform that recently completed a $3 million token raise on Binance Launchpad, by acquiring LANDS NFTs in The Sandbox. Binance will use its LANDS to engage with its community through social gaming experiences within The Sandbox virtual worlds including organizing future NFT creation contests, supported by VoxEdit and The Sandbox NFT marketplace. It will also distribute the LANDS to creators who propose the most compelling games made with The Sandbox Game Maker, through a series of upcoming contests to be announced and ahead of the platform public beta launch in December 2020.

As one of the most anticipated blockchain games of 2020, The Sandbox is building a unique virtual world where players can build, own, and monetize their gaming experiences using NFTs and $SAND, the main utility token of the platform. The overall value of The Sandbox’s metaverse has grown from $5,000,000 USD to $25,000,000 USD based on the average selling price on secondary markets, showing the high demand for virtual LANDS in the NFT ecosystem.

The Sandbox’s vision is to offer a deeply immersive metaverse in which virtual worlds and games will be created collaboratively and without a central authority. The Sandbox has secured over 60 partnerships, including the Smurfs, Care Bears, Atari, CryptoKitties, and Shaun the Sheep, to build a fun, creative “play-to-earn” platform that offers virtual worlds and game experiences owned and created by players. With play-to-earn, anything a player collects in the game is truly owned by him/herself and can be traded with other players without requiring the developer’s permission (including on other websites), transferred to other players, or even resold through the SAND cryptocurrency.

The Sandbox is expected to launch its public beta for players by December 2020. Users can get an overview of The Sandbox blockchain virtual world at https://www.sandbox.game/en/land/map/?x=48&y=48

For more information about The Sandbox, read this comprehensive research paper on The Sandbox, provided by Binance Research. To keep in touch with The Sandbox, please visit www.sandbox.game and follow the regular updates on Medium and Discord.

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