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Coinbase Wins Key Court Victory in SEC Legal Battle Over Securities Law

8. 1. 2025 2 min. čtení
Bannerový obrázek novinového článku

A US judge has temporarily paused proceedings in Coinbase's legal battle with the SEC, granting the exchange the opportunity to appeal critical questions regarding the classification of digital assets as securities. The decision marks a pivotal moment in the ongoing legal challenges surrounding cryptocurrency regulation.

On January 7, District Judge Katherine Polk Failla approved Coinbase's motion to appeal to an appellate court, allowing the legal fight to pause while higher courts review key issues in the case. The appeal will focus on whether certain digital assets traded on Coinbase qualify as securities and if transactions involving these assets require an investment contract under the Howey test.

Coinbase Argues Tokens On Its Platform Are Not Securities

Coinbase has consistently argued that the tokens traded on its platform do not meet the legal definition of securities, asserting that token issuers do not have obligations to buyers. The SEC, however, claims that at least 13 tokens listed on Coinbase should be registered as securities. Judge Failla acknowledged the complexity of the issue, noting that there is room for differing legal opinions, and resolving this matter could help bring clarity to the broader regulatory landscape.

This decision comes at a critical time for the crypto industry. With President-elect Donald Trump’s administration signaling potential shifts in policy, there is speculation that the SEC under new leadership, with Paul Atkins expected to head the agency, may deprioritize enforcement against the crypto sector.

In addition to this legal victory, Coinbase has secured a new regulatory approval, obtaining a license from New York regulators to offer additional services to residents.

Looking Ahead: As the industry navigates regulatory challenges, calls for clearer legislation to govern cryptocurrency are intensifying. While this case may eventually reach the Supreme Court, its outcome could be overshadowed by new laws providing more certainty for the digital asset space.


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