
Build for Bharat: Top 100 Startups - Prepping for the next big DeFi projects of the cryptospace

10. 12. 2020 3 min. čtení
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Criteria for Shortlisting Startups

Relevance to the track

Our top 100 startups have been shortlisted on the basis of the tracks mentioned and the real-life use case / adoption potential of these projects.

Stage of completion

In collaboration with our sponsors and organizers, we shortlisted startups with a working proof-of-concept, a minimal viable product (MVP), or a blockchain-based innovative use case, in addition to full-fledge profit-making organizations and even non-incorporated startups in its ideation phase with solid concepts.


The shortlisting was also based on the unique selling propositions (USPs) of the projects that applied to the program. Their novelty in terms of providing outside-the-box solutions or real-life use cases with the potential to drive high adoption of cryptocurrencies were taken into account while determining the contenders.

BSC Integration

The vision of spreading freedom of money to all by driving higher adoption has always been in line with our global efforts of building Binance Smart Chain for DeFi-based startups. The shortlisted startups align with Binance’s core vision and strengths.

Blockchain use case relevance

We believe that blockchain can disrupt multiple industries but at the same time can create unnecessary complications when not required. The shortlisted startups have been judged on the basis of its technology and its relevance in the current world.

Who are the Top 100?

As we, in collaboration with our sponsors and organizers, announce the top 100 shortlisted startups for our build for bharat program we would like to thank and congratulate all our participants and registered startups who have contributed tremendously to the program.

That said, a big heartfelt congratulations to our top 100 who carry the potential to change the way we do our finances. Here’s the list:-

What’s Next

18th December 2020: The organisers will host a Binance Smart Chain virtual workshop, with mentoring sessions with our BSC tech team and 1 on 1 with leading industry experts.

19th December 2020: An invite-only workshop by our sponsors - Google Cloud, Matic Network, ANKR infrastructure, Band Protocol, and Marlin Protocol who are all set to give training sessions, technical instructions, and demos on their underlying technology and integrations.

22nd-24th December: 48 hours long hackathon as a final qualifier round with an engaging set of tasks and challenges prepared for our shortlisted startups.

29th December: The individual tasks will judge the progress and capabilities of these projects out of which we will shortlist the top 20. Followed by rigorous pitching sessions that will finally decide the winners of the Build for Bharat Hackathon and Accelerator program.

30th December: The winning teams of Build for Bharat Hackathon will receive rewards while the top 20 shortlisted teams will be under consideration for acceleration (push in terms of funding) via Polaris initiative.


  1. The next round of qualifiers (i.e. the top 20) will be based on how the startups have performed in their individual tasks.

  2. The shortlisted top 20 startups would be under consideration for the accelerator program.

  3. The winners of the Build for Bharat hackathon do not necessarily have to be a part of the accelerator program.

  4. The top 100 irrespective of the hackathon results would still be under consideration for accelerator.

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