
Binance.US restores USD services and begins phased rollout

19. 2. 2025 4 min. čtení
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With USD services restored and rolling out quickly, we’re working hard to make 2025 our best year yet. Expect amazing new features to help you do more with your crypto, fresh listings on a regular basis, additions to the nation’s largest staking platform, and more.

Whether you’re a returning customer or brand new to Binance.US, we welcome you to bookmark our website, or download our iOS or Android app to be part of the rollout.

A note to our community

To everyone in the Binance.US community, thank you for your support. We’ve been working hard to restore USD services since we became crypto-only in July 2023. We know the wait is finally coming to an end and we appreciate you for sticking with us.

During this period, many of you asked when USD would return. While our teams were making steady, positive progress behind-the-scenes, we didn’t want to prematurely announce a launch date or share an uncertain roadmap, in the event key details or timelines changed.

We know this period of uncertainty was challenging for our community, our team, and our business, and we're proud to bring back the Binance.US experience you know and love. Here are some details we wanted to share about the journey leading up to today's announcement.

  • Are USD services fully back? Yes, and USD services will soon be rolled out to every eligible customer. Our team has been working hard to secure reputable and compliant payment and banking partners in order to deliver the best experience possible, without compromise. This means all qualifying customers will be eligible to deposit or withdraw USD with zero processing fees. Moreover, most deposits process in a few minutes or less, which means funds are available instantly for trading.

  • What took so long? Restoring USD services was a complex undertaking. As a licensed and regulated U.S. crypto exchange, we needed to find 1) a secure and compliant payment and banking partner, and 2) one that would help us deliver a quality on-ramp and off-ramp experience. We’re pleased to share that we’ve found a trusted partner that allows Binance.US customers to easily link a bank account, deposit funds quickly with no processing fees, and use their funds immediately.

  • Why did Binance.US suspend USD services? In June 2023, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) brought civil claims against Binance.US, which created significant challenges for crypto companies, including Binance.US. Reflecting back on our official statements issued at the time and at multiple points thereafter, we believe these claims are baseless, wholly without merit, and borne from a Commission eager to pursue “regulation by enforcement” tactics that have no place in our justice system.

  • What happens next? While we will never forget nor forgive the ordeal our customers, team, and business endured, the fact is we have survived. We strongly believe that now is the time to look forward—we’re confident that 2025 will be our best year yet, especially with the best community in crypto by our side. Your continued support means everything to us.

Ready to get started?

Here’s what you can look forward to once USD services are enabled for your account:

  • Zero-fee deposits & withdrawals. Link any U.S. bank account in seconds. Here is a guide.

  • Near-instant deposits. In most cases, when you deposit USD, funds will be available instantly, so you can trade into crypto without delay.

  • Higher limits. Deposit up to $10,000 per day.

  • Buy, Sell & Convert with ease. Buy crypto in a few taps. Cash in and out of crypto fast.

  • Discover USD trading pairs. At launch, we’re restoring access to the following 10 USD trading pairs: BTC/USD, XLM/USD, DOGE/USD, SOL/USD, ETH/USD, ADA/USD, HBAR/USD, SHIB/USD, SUI/USD, and BNB/USD—with many more on the way.

  • Buy crypto on a schedule. Use Auto-Buy to buy crypto on a daily, weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly basis.

For more updates over the coming days and weeks, follow us on X. Until then—onwards and upwards.

We are so back,

The Binance.US Team

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