
Binance.US joins the Crypto ISAC to help protect customers and the digital asset ecosystem

12. 2. 2025 2 min. čtení
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Founded in 2024, the Crypto ISAC brings together digital asset industry leaders to protect the crypto ecosystem and build a trusted environment to accelerate blockchain technology adoption. As a member, Binance.US will play a pivotal role in contributing to the organization’s mission by sharing information and best practices to identify and combat security threats.

“We are honored to join the Crypto ISAC and cement our shared commitment to protecting customers and maintaining a secure and trusted environment for industry participants,” said BJ Kang, Head of Investigations at Binance.US. “We look forward to working alongside other industry leaders to share vital information and develop best practices to promote the long-term success of the digital asset ecosystem.”

“We’re pleased to welcome Binance.US into the Crypto ISAC community,” said Justine Bone, Executive Director of the Crypto ISAC. “Their proactive commitment to customer safety and trust perfectly aligns with our mission. By collaborating to share critical intelligence and refine security best practices, we can strengthen the entire digital asset ecosystem. Together, we’re building a safer, more resilient future for the industry.”

Today’s announcement is part of Binance.US’ broader commitment to combating crypto crimes and other security threats, including an ongoing effort providing investigative assistance and training at no cost to law enforcement personnel across the United States.

Over the past year, Binance.US has successfully delivered Crypto for Law Enforcement Training to 1,000+ law enforcement personnel, including members of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Secret Service, Homeland Security Investigations, IRS Criminal Investigation, the Crypto Coalition, Army CID, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC), and others.

As cybersecurity threats grow more sophisticated, coordinated action between industry leaders and government agencies is critical to ensure intelligence is shared in a timely manner, while best practices are continually updated and widely adopted. We look forward to continuing our work to defend and protect our customers, our platform, and the crypto ecosystem from evolving threats.

To learn more about the Crypto ISAC, visit: https://www.cryptoisac.org/.

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