
Beware of Celebrity-Endorsed Crypto: Speculation Won’t Drive Industry Forward—Builders Will

20. 2. 2025 4 min. čtení
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$LIBRA: A Financial Fiasco Following a Short Surge

On February 15, Milei announced the launch of the LIBRA meme coin on social media, sparking a frenzy among investors. The token’s market capitalization skyrocketed to nearly $5 billion within hours, only to collapse to $590 million after the project team withdrew liquidity. Investors faced massive losses, while Milei deleted his promotional tweets and distanced himself from the project. However, on-chain data revealed that affiliated wallets had profited over $100 million, triggering legal action and political fallout.

The Danger of FOMO: Celebrity Hype Does Not Equal Value

Milei is not the first politician to dip into the crypto space. In January, U.S. President-elect Donald Trump launched his own meme coin, $TRUMP. Driven by Trump’s personal brand, the token skyrocketed by an astonishing 1,250% on its debut day, with trading volume surpassing $5 billion. HTX was among the first to list $TRUMP, offering its community the chance to trade with the trend.

Following $TRUMP’s success, political figures worldwide—including the President of the Central African Republic, Malaysia’s former Prime Minister, and a Saudi crown prince impersonator—rushed to launch their own meme coins. However, most of these coins exhibited high centralization, unclear fund flows, and a lack of audit transparency. As a result, many turned into mere pump-and-dump schemes, exposing investors to significant risks.

On February 19, Global Advisor of HTX and TRON Founder Justin Sun spoke at the Consensus Hong Kong 2025 during a roundtable discussion titled “Unlocking DeFi for the Masses: A Conversation with World Liberty Financial and TRON.” Addressing the current state of the meme coin market, Sun remarked meme coins represent the future of cryptocurrency, but they must be handled the right way. As Sun highlighted, the value of meme coins does not rely on speculative trading or VC-driven hype but rather on the power of communities and long-term influence. Successful meme coins such as Dogecoin and Shiba Inu were initially dismissed as jokes, yet their vibrant and engaged communities enabled them to gain real market traction over time.

Excessive speculation and unhealthy market behavior have trapped the meme coin sector in a cycle of boom and bust. Investors must take a rational approach, avoiding reckless hype and short-term profit chasing while focusing on long-term project viability and the strength of community support.

Trade New Cryptos Only on HTX: Prioritizing Quality Listings for Sustainable Industry Growth

HTX remains committed to identifying market trends and creating wealth opportunities for users while maintaining stringent listing standards. The exchange prioritizes projects with technological innovations, clear long-term value, and regulatory compliance.

In January, HTX listed 25 premium digital assets across key sectors, including infrastructure projects: AVL (BTCfi), LAYER (infrastructure), BERA (Layer 1), PLUME (RWAfi), OBT (cross-chain solution) and AI-powered innovations: ELIZA, ARCSOL, GAME, GRIFT, and others. In terms of celebrity tokens, while HTX quickly listed $TRUMP due to its market traction, the platform remains cautious about other politically themed tokens. Moving forward, HTX will continue monitoring high-risk assets to ensure a more secure trading environment, reinforcing its mission as “The People’s Exchange.”

As the crypto sector evolves, HTX is focusing on its strategy of listing high-potential assets and supporting projects that contribute to the industry’s long-term development. By channeling resources into promising blockchain innovations, the exchange aims to foster a more sustainable future alongside its global user base.

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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