
Become a VIP Trader on Binance and Enjoy Unique Benefits

18. 11. 2020 4 min. čtení
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What is the Binance VIP program?

The VIP program is a way of rewarding our high-volume traders while boosting their revenue with unique benefits and perks. The program consists of 9 VIP levels, where each level requires a higher trading volume than the previous, but also comes with better benefits.

Who is the Binance VIP program for?

In order to become a VIP trader, you’re required to meet two requirements. The first requirement is straightforward and simple – you need to hold at least 50 BNB in your wallet. The second requirement is a 30-day trading volume of at least 50 BTC for Spot trading or at least 250 BTC for Futures trading. Only once you reach both of these requirements you’ll become eligible to apply.

How do I join the VIP program?

Once you meet the requirements above, please contact us at [email protected], and our friendly account managers will get you up and running in no time.

What are the VIP program benefits?

Your VIP tier allows you to enjoy fee discounts and other benefits across the entire Binance ecosystem, whether it’s Spot, Futures, or Margin trading. Please refer to our Key Account Coverage page for more details.

  • Over-the-counter (OTC) support for orders of $10,000 and above

  • Exclusive Binance APIs with dedicated developer support

  • Higher borrowing rate for Margin trading

  • Sub-account services exclusive for VIP

  • 1-on-1 support from our dedicated VIP account managers

  • Gifts and merchandise to celebrate special occasions

  • Exclusive annual VIP dinner with the Binance team and partners

  • The market-maker program for eligible VIP partners

Active VIP campaigns

In addition to the benefits above, you can boost your VIP performance and increase your level with regular campaigns and promotions created to help you grow and achieve better results.

Apply for the VIP program today and benefit from the following campaigns:

  1. Answer the survey and receive VIP+1 for a month

    To understand more about the SEA users' satisfaction regarding Coin-M Futures at Binance, and provide a better user experience, we invite you to join the satisfaction survey, which takes less than three minutes.

    Click here to complete the survey. This campaign is active November 9-15, 2020.

  2. Binance VIP Invitation Program

    Are you new to Binance and interested in the VIP program? Show us your trading volume (Sport, Margin, Futures) on competitor exchanges and we’ll offer you a VIP tier, one level higher than what you would have received if you had traded this volume on Binance for 2 months.

    Example: Your 30-day trading volume on a competitor exchange is 225,000 BTC, which is equal to VIP level 7 at Binance Futures. However, under the Invitation Program promotion, you’ll receive VIP level 8. If your 30-day Spot trading volume at another exchange is 81,000 BTC, which is equal to VIP level 8 at Binance, you will receive VIP level 9 instead. Click here to learn more about this promotion.

  3. Trade at otc.binance.com and receive VIP+1 for a month

    To continue improving the Binance VIP ecosystem, we’re adding Binance OTC trading to the VIP program. This means that in addition to Spot, Futures, and Margin, we’ll now also calculate your total trading volume including the OTC trades. OTC allows you to enjoy block trading, which eliminates the price slippage, enables instant payments, and comes with zero trading fees.

    To motivate you to become familiar with how the crypto OTC Trading Portal ( otc.binance.com) works, we offer you a VIP +1 level increase for one month if you make an eligible trade during the promotional period.

    See the details here.

  4. Traders holding at Binance equal to 20 BTC or 50 BTC at other competitive rates will receive VIP+1 for a month.

    To encourage users with high trading volume, Binance will upgrade the VIP level of users with holdings of 20 BTC and higher at Binance, or 50 BTC at other exchanges, to a VIP+1 tier for a month. Send us a screenshot of your holdings to the Key Account Manager (KAM) and we’ll give you a VIP+1 level and other benefits from the VIP program.

  5. From Miner to Trader

    Are you an existing Binance Pool miner? From now on you can also enjoy the VIP program benefits across the whole Binance ecosystem. We will determine your VIP level based on your average daily hashrate on Binance Pool. Benefits include trading benefits, service benefits, ecological benefits, etc. Additionally, Binance VIP users who aren’t actively mining on Binance Pool can enjoy discounted fees when they connect their hashrate to Binance Pool.

    Learn more here.

The Binance VIP program is a complex reward system designed to benefit you and help you maximize your revenue.

Apply at [email protected] today!

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