Cryptohopper blog

Can Bitcoin Duplicate the 2018 Bear Market? The Answer Will Surprise You!
#Bitcoin#technical indicators#support and resistance+2 více tagů

Can Bitcoin Duplicate the 2018 Bear Market? The Answer Will Surprise You!

Bitcoin (BTC) has suffered a brutal bear market in 2022, but there is something that resembles the 2018 bear market. The cryptocurrency's price is once again found in a no man's land as it's struggling to find a clear direction near the $20,000 psychological level, the same way it was struggling at the $6,000 level back in 2018.


Last 2 Times SHIBA Inu Showed This Signal, It Rallied Over 40%
#Charts#Technical analysis#MACD+2 více tagů

Last 2 Times SHIBA Inu Showed This Signal, It Rallied Over 40%

What Is The Relative Strength Index RSI And How To Use It
#cryptohopper#Relative Strength Index#Momentum Indicator+2 více tagů

What Is The Relative Strength Index RSI And How To Use It

Top 5 Crypto Whale Tracker Tools to Buy the Dip in 2022
#Charts#Blockchain#crypto trading+2 více tagů

Top 5 Crypto Whale Tracker Tools to Buy the Dip in 2022

Learn Dollar-Cost Averaging for Crypto With Cryptohopper’s DCA Trading Bot
#Cryptocurrency#crypto trading#Automated trading strategy+2 více tagů

Learn Dollar-Cost Averaging for Crypto With Cryptohopper’s DCA Trading Bot

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