Advanced Trading Bot Backtester for Crypto Launched by Cryptohopper
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Advanced Trading Bot Backtester for Crypto Launched by Cryptohopper

AMSTERDAM, 29-01-2025. Cryptohopper, the leading automated trading platform, today announced the launch of its new Trading Bot Backtester, a comprehensive testing platform that enables traders to validate and optimize their complete trading bot and trading bot template configurations using historical crypto exchange market data. Unlike traditional strategy backtesting tools that only test trading strategies and limited bot settings, this advanced platform tests all trading bot parameters, providing a complete picture of potential bot performance.

Complete Trading Bot Configuration Testing

The new Trading Bot Backtester marks a significant improvement over Cryptohopper's strategy backtester by enabling traders to test every aspect of their trading bots:

The Trading Bot Backtester introduces significant improvements in testing accuracy:

  • Position checking every minute

  • More precise profit and loss calculations

  • Detailed performance metrics and statistics

As a trader, you know that testing before going live is crucial - That's why I'm excited about our new backtesting engine. It now matches your subscription settings, tests complete bot configurations, and runs on 1-minute data intervals. Want to compare different templates? Easy. We've transformed backtesting into your most powerful tool for validating strategies before putting real funds on the line.

Said Ruud Feltkamp, Co-Founder & CEO

Optimize Your Trading Bot's Buy and Sell Settings

Traders can now easily fine-tune their trading parameters to maximize potential returns:

  • Test different buy strategy combinations

  • Optimize sell trigger configurations

  • Adjust technical indicator settings

  • Fine-tune trailing stop-loss parameters

  • Calibrate take-profit levels

  • Test various DCA and regular position sizing strategies

Multi-Exchange Bot Testing Platform

The Trading Bot Backtester supports spot trading bots and templates across major cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance, Coinbase, Kraken, KuCoin, Bitvavo, HTX, and more.

Professional Trading Analysis Tools

Advanced analysis capabilities include:

  • Real-time performance tracking

  • Dynamic performance charts

  • Trade-by-trade analysis

  • Technical indicator values at entry/exit points

  • Asset distribution metrics

  • Custom note-taking for strategy optimization

  • CSV and PDF export options

  • Rapid strategy validation

From Historical Data to Real-Time Confidence

The Trading Bot Backtester helps you perfect your strategy through historical data, but successful automated trading requires both data confidence and trading comfort. Cryptohopper recommends a two-step approach:

1. Use the Trading Bot Backtester to:

2. Follow up with Paper Trading to:

  • Experience how your trading bot executes trades in real-time

  • Build confidence in your bot's decision-making

  • Get comfortable with automated trading

  • Understand market dynamics without risking capital

  • Feel the emotional aspects of letting a bot trade for you

This combined approach ensures you're not just mathematically confident in your trading bot's performance, but also personally comfortable with how it operates in live market conditions.

Flexible Testing Plans

Testing allocations designed for different trading needs:

  • Explorer: 1 backtest per day

  • Adventure: 5 backtests per day

  • Hero: 10 backtests per day

The Trading Bot Backtester is now available to all Cryptohopper users. Implementation is straightforward:

  1. Select a trading bot or template

  2. Choose testing period

  3. Configure testing parameters

  4. Launch backtest

  5. Analyze results and optimize

Discover Cryptohopper’s trading bot and backtester now, subscription details are available at www.cryptohopper.com.

About Cryptohopper

Cryptohopper is the world's leading automated cryptocurrency trading platform, serving traders across the globe since 2017. The platform empowers both novice and experienced traders to implement professional-grade trading strategies through an intuitive interface and advanced automation tools.

Cryptohopper's innovative ecosystem combines AI, market analysis, and automated trading features to help users trade 24/7 across major cryptocurrency exchanges. The trading platform stands out for its commitment to accessibility and education, offering comprehensive learning resources alongside sophisticated trading tools. Cryptohopper's marketplace enables users to access proven trading strategies and bot templates, while its advanced features allow for customized bot creation and optimization. With a strong focus on security, reliability, and user experience, Cryptohopper continues to lead the evolution of automated cryptocurrency trading.

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Bezplatné použití - není vyžadována kreditní karta

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Odmítnutí odpovědnosti: Cryptohopper není regulovaným subjektem. Obchodování s kryptoměnovými boty s sebou nese značná rizika a minulá výkonnost není indikátorem budoucích výsledků. Zisky uvedené na snímcích obrazovky produktu jsou ilustrativní a mohou být přehnané. Do obchodování s boty se zapojte pouze v případě, že máte dostatečné znalosti, nebo požádejte o radu kvalifikovaného finančního poradce. Společnost Cryptohopper za žádných okolností nepřebírá žádnou odpovědnost vůči jakékoli osobě nebo subjektu za (a) jakoukoli ztrátu nebo škodu, zcela nebo zčásti, způsobenou transakcemi s naším softwarem, vzniklou v důsledku těchto transakcí nebo v souvislosti s nimi, nebo (b) jakékoli přímé, nepřímé, zvláštní, následné nebo náhodné škody. Upozorňujeme, že obsah dostupný na sociální obchodní platformě Cryptohopper je vytvářen členy komunity Cryptohopper a nepředstavuje radu ani doporučení od společnosti Cryptohopper nebo jejím jménem. Zisky uvedené na Markteplace nejsou indikátorem budoucích výsledků. Používáním služeb Cryptohopper berete na vědomí a přijímáte rizika spojená s obchodováním s kryptoměnami a souhlasíte s tím, že Cryptohopper zbavíte jakýchkoli závazků nebo ztrát. Před použitím našeho softwaru nebo zapojením se do jakýchkoli obchodních aktivit je nezbytné prostudovat a pochopit naše Podmínky poskytování služeb a Zásady zveřejňování rizik. Obraťte se prosím na právní a finanční odborníky, kteří vám poskytnou individuální poradenství na základě vašich konkrétních okolností.

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